Why iodine tablets could save you AND leave you vulnerable


Putin’s military orders in late February included Russia’s record-breaking nuclear arsenal. While it has almost 50 times fewer warheads than during the Cold War, the country still has the world’s most at 6,257. Any that ultimately detonate in or above the UK would kill millions of people immediately, leaving the rest fighting radiation.

Could iodine tablets save people from nuclear radiation?

In the event of a nuclear detonation or power plant leak, the immediate vicinity risks contamination.

By its nature, radioactive material can contaminate air, water, surfaces such as soil or buildings, animals and more.

Contamination also involves several radioactive byproducts, one of which is radioiodine.

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Typically, the required dosage is approximately 130mg, and it allows the body to filter out excess iodine via the urine.

Reducing the radioiodine, in the long run would help prevent thyroid cancer or other conditions.

But, unfortunately, that is where its benefits end, as other organs are left exposed.

Specifically, as highlighted by the Health Physics Society (HPS), it won’t mitigate the effects of a “dirty bomb” or “dispersion of spent nuclear fuel”.


How can you protect yourself from nuclear radiation?

With KI out of the picture for protecting anything but thyroid function, people may want to know where else they should turn.

Radioactive material produces deadly effects following exposure, killing anyone not immediately vaporised during an event in hours or days.

Stanford University has set out a five-point plan for avoiding the ill effects of alpha, beta gamma and X-ray radiation.

The Stanford University steps include:

Keeping exposure time to a minimum

  • Keeping as much distance as possible from the radiation source
  • Placing shielding material between people and the source

– For alpha: Paper or a human hand

– For beta: A thin sheet of aluminium

– For gamma: Lead or several metres of concrete

  • Wearing protective clothing



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