Vaishakh Purnima 2024: 5 Activities To Seek Goddess Lakshmi’s Blessings On This Day


Vaisakh Purnima fast will be observed on May 22.

Pandit Pankaj Pathak suggests bringing home the idol of Lord Buddha on the full moon day.

Vaisakh Purnima is observed on the full moon day in the month of Vaisakh. The day is also known as Buddha Jayanti, an important day for Hindus and Buddhists. While Hindus celebrate this day by offering prayers to Lord Vishnu and observing vrat, Buddhists celebrate it as Vesak, Buddha Purnima or Buddha Day. This year, Vaisakh Purnima will be celebrated on May 23. Apart from worshipping Lord Vishnu, Hindus also consider it to be an auspicious day to worship Goddess Lakshmi. Devotees often recite the Satyanarayan Katha on this day to seek the blessings of the Goddess. People also buy special things on this day to please the Goddess of wealth. As per Pandit Pankaj Pathak, the Vaisakh Purnima fast will be observed on May 22. May 23 will be considered as the full moon day of Snan Daan. He further recommended doing these 5 things to get the blessings of the Goddess Lakshmi.

Lord Buddha idol

Pandit Pankaj Pathak suggests bringing home the idol of Lord Buddha on the full moon day. As per Vaastu and Feng Shui, Lord Buddha is considered to be the harbinger of prosperity and happiness. He believes that installing the idol at home will ward off negative energy. The house will be filled with positive energy.

Kuber Yantra

Bringing home Kuber Yantra on the day of the full moon is considered to be auspicious. It should also be worshipped and then kept in the safe or where money is kept. It is believed that bringing Kuber Yantra home and worshipping it will make all the financial problems go away and avenues of income open up.

Buying new clothes

It is believed that buying new clothes on a full moon day is auspicious. Pandit Pankaj Pathak advises to not buy green, blue or black clothes and instead get pink or red-coloured clothes as these colours are dear to the Goddess. By doing this, you will get the Goddess’ blessings.


On the full moon day, you should bring one coconut to the shop or the place where you work. It is believed that this will help remove property and bring wealth. Those who are facing problems in their shop or establishment and their income is not increasing must try this as the Pandit believes that it will prove to be beneficial for them.

Get debt-free

If you want to become debt-free on the day of the full moon, then you must buy a silver coin, elephant or brass tortoise. By doing so, it is believed that Goddess Lakshmi is pleased. Her blessings remain upon the devotees and help them get rid of financial problems.



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