Pet Care Tips for Your Fur Babies


The World Veterinary Day is observed on the last Saturday of April and is celebrated every year to mark the value of Veterinary doctors who serve to safeguard animals. Veterinary doctors across the globe work round the clock to enhance the lives of animals by offering quality diagnosis and treatment. The practices of animal transport, the safety of food and the environment are closely associated with the health of animals, according to World Veterinary Association.

The World Veterinary Day was first celebrated in the year 2000 by World Veterinary Association. The association also collaborated with Health for Animals, the global association for animal medicines.

Here are some important pet care tips for your consideration to celebrate this noble occasion, as mentioned by

Regular examination of your pets

Just like us human beings, your pet can also develop problems like toothache, arthritis or even heart ailments. Visit your veterinary doctor regularly for the early diagnosis of these problems. Annual visits to vets also help in keeping a check on the weight of your pets and ensuring necessary medications and vaccinations, health check-ups and dental screenings.

Tattoo your pet for identification

Millions of pets across the globe are lost due to a lack of identification. Tattooing or microchipping your pet can help avoid this situation and you can be happily reunited. Microchips can be scanned by a vet or an animal control official in a few moments.

Ensuring a healthy weight

It is also important to prevent your dogs and cats from becoming obese as that can pose a serious health risk to them including cancer, diabetes and arthritis.

Prevention of parasites

Fleas come as the most common parasites that can infect your pets and can lead to complications including hot spots, irritated skin, infection and hair loss. They can also foster the development of other parasites in your dog or cat like tapeworms which affects millions of pets across the globe.


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