How To Fall in Love with Healthy Food for Weight Loss

In order to lose weight, you should absolutely fall in love with healthy food and practice clean eating. In all your sincerity, you may want to like healthy food to shed extra kilos and improve overall health in general, but the myth that all healthy foods would taste bland can prevent you from taking a liking to nutrient-dense food. Now, here’s an interesting fact – healthy food isn’t tasteless, it’s that our tongues have been blunted out eating processed food with artificial flavours, sweeteners, high salt and loads of sugar on a daily basis. These kind of artificial foods have strong flavours that dull out the palate so much that you find unprocessed and “normal food” tasteless! All that fast food and junk food also have ingredients that have been processed in such a way that they trigger excessive dopamine release and trigger pleasure centers of the brain so that you seek them again and again, an effect similar to drug addiction. As we have mentioned earlier, eating this kind of food on a regular and daily basis dulls out your tastebuds and in comparison, you would find the subtle flavours of “normal food” comprising of vegetables, whole grains, fruits, etc., “tasteless.” That’s why weight loss diets such as on the Rati Beauty app that help you to fall in love with healthy food. In this post, we will explore further on how to fall in love with healthy food for weight loss.

1. Give up Junk Food and Processed Food with Artificial and Strong Flavours for 15 to 30 Days: As we have mentioned above, the strong artificial flavours dull out your tastebuds and to reset the palate, give it 15 to 30 days to reprogram by avoiding all forms of artificial, processed, junk, fast food. Also, say no to added sugar and high sodium food. We are also talking about giving up jams, sauces, energy drinks, aerated beverages, instant noodles, and other such heavily processed food. In a span of 30 days, you would start to enjoy the natural flavours of vegetables and the sweetness and tartness of fruits.

2. Choose a Weight Loss Diet you Will Enjoy Being On: If your diet food is bland, it is more than likely that you would get off the plan in a few days time. A weight loss diet should not be based on food deprivation and extreme calorie cutting. Check out Rati Beauty weight loss diets on the Rati Beauty app (both on playstore and app store) that helps you lose weight by encouraging you to eat the right kind of food in the right quantity, so that you continue to lose weight at a steady pace.

3. Make Changes Gradually: To overhaul your diet, introduce tiny changes that will gradually build up into daily habits. Start by cutting out junk food from your daily diet, reduce the quantity of refined sugar, and start filling half of your plate with vegetables. All these tiny changes will add up to get you to a healthier version of yourself.

4. Trick your Nose: If you hate the smell of cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, radish, broccoli because they release sulfurous, then here’s a small trick – steam or grill such vegetables to suppress the strong sulfurous smell so that you can enjoy the taste sans the smell plus the benefits.

5. Clean Home and Kitchen of Junk Food: As we have always maintained, it convenient to graze on high-calorie and packaged food with strong flavours you are just bored and want to nibble on something to pass time when the pantry and kitchen is full of “ready-to-eat” items. The “out of sight, out of mind” policy would work very well when you stop stocking up junk food in the kitchen. Read about “20 Clever Ways to Train your Brain to Resist Junk Food.”

6. Reprogram your Taste Buds to Like Healthy Food: Here’s a detailed post on how to reprogram taste buds to absolutely love healthy food.

7. Clever Ways to Eat Healthy Food to Lose Weight: Healthy eating should not be restrictive or too rigid, it should be sustainable. Clean eating should be incorporated as a routine, not a short-term project. Also, healthy eating is not about bland food anymore because there are some clever ways to eat healthy food to lose weight. Read about them here.

8. Make Healthy Food Look Appetizing: Visually-appealing food can pique your interest and eating on attractive plates can create a visual appeal. You would be more interested to take bites of well-presented food. Use colorful vegetables, garnish with spices and herbs, and make efforts at presenting it well, so that you would be eager to taste the food and take more bites.

All these factors would add up and you would no longer feel healthy food is just “meh.”

10 Reasons you Cannot Lose Weight Right Now
Clever Ways to Eat Healthy Food to Lose Weight



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