Easy Tips To Wash Clothes At Home To Keep Them Smelling Good


The most important thing is to clean your washing machine.

The use of lavender water during the laundry process will help maintain a good fragrance in your clothes.

Nowadays, most houses have washing machines, and people prefer their clothes to shine with less water and powder. Often, due to not using the washing machine properly, the clothes remain dirty or the powder gets deposited on the clothes. Apart from this, people are also concerned about how to retain the fragrance in their clothes. Enlisted here are some tips to maintain fragrance in your clothes.

Often, the clothes kept in the laundry bag are put together in the machine, but do you know that instead of washing different types of clothes together, the clothes often remain dirty? Washing soft clothes with hard clothes also runs the risk of them getting damaged or torn later because the impact is more on weaker clothes than on bigger clothes. Heavy clothes take more time to get cleaned, while soft clothes get washed quickly.

Automatic washing machines have different setups according to the clothes, but often the clothes do not get cleaned due to choosing the wrong washing option. Therefore, change the settings of the machine according to the clothes. This will also reduce the consumption of powder and water.

While washing clothes, you can use lavender water in the machine. This will keep the clothes smelling good. After washing the clothes, you can also soak them in lavender water for 15 minutes. Apart from this, you can use fabric softener. Fabric softener keeps the clothes soft. This keeps both the shine and the fragrance intact. Instead of this, you can also opt for your favourite essential oil, like rose oil.

One can also use homemade citrus oils to maintain a good fragrance. You can combine one cup of baking soda, half a cup of borax, one cup of white vinegar, and drops of citrus oil (lemon or orange). Pour this combination into your laundry detergent bottle and proceed as usual.

But the most important thing is to clean your machine. All the essential oils in the world won’t help your clothing smell good if your washing machine isn’t clean. Run cleaning cycles and give your machine a full cleaning every once a month to ensure the cleaning is thorough.



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