Did You Know About These Myths Associated with Obesity?


Due to changes in lifestyle, pollution and bad eating habits, the risk of obesity has increased in individuals across the globe. We all know that obesity leads to many other health-related problems. While people are becoming more aware of the health issues caused by obesity, there are also various myths associated with it, which need to be busted. Let’s take a look at some of the myths about obesity.

1. Eating more increases the risk of obesity

In many cases, consuming more calories than the body needs leads to obesity. However, there can be various reasons behind the same. Inadequate sleep, stress, chronic pain, hormonal problems and consumption of some medicines can all cause obesity in an individual. Excessive stress can also increase the chances of obesity. In order to keep obesity at bay, you must pay attention to your calorie intake. Exercise also helps in reducing the risk of obesity.

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2. Diabetes

It’s a myth that obesity leads to diabetes. However, it does increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes. But not every obese person has Type 2 diabetes and vis-a-versa. It is not a risk factor for Type 1 diabetes.

3. Laziness

A bad lifestyle that doesn’t include any physical activity may lead to obesity. However, it is a myth that obesity causes laziness. Physical activity is essential for better health. However, there is a connection between depression and obesity. In many cases, obese people don’t like to step out of their houses because of being embarrassed by their physical appearance.

4. Doesn’t affect health

Another myth that is associated with obesity is that it doesn’t affect one’s health. Many studies have revealed that obesity increases the risk of diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and some psychological problems. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, losing 5-10% of the total weight in people suffering from obesity improves blood pressure, blood cholesterol and blood sugar.

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