Dead Wedge: A Good Deadlift Jack Alternative? (Review)


Dead wedge review image

Here’s something we can (likely) all agree on:

Loading and unloading a barbell between sets of deadlifts can be a real pain (both literally and figuratively) and a waste of time and energy when you should be resting.

And, if your gym doesn’t have a deadlift jack, you don’t have another option. You risk throwing out your back and limiting your PRs every time you mess with the plates on deadlift day.

Well, not so fast!

Lift Unlimited’s Dead Wedge may very well be a portable, cost-effective, and safe alternative to the standard deadlift jack.

Let’s find out if it’s the real deal or a total bust!

About the Manufacturer – Lift Unlimited

In the world of athletic and fitness companies, Lift Unlimited is nowhere near the star power of Nike, Adidas, or even Rogue Fitness.

But it’s definitely on its way!

So here’s what we know about Lift:

Lift Unlimited, along with its three other brands, is a company that prioritizes high-end fitness gear and products, without the standard “premium” price.

Now, they don’t sell barbells, dumbbells, or weight plates like most of the other brands that we normally review.

However, they do have a decent product line of smaller products and gear that you can use to fill your gym bag, like:

  • Gymnastics rings
  • Weightlifting belts
  • Pre-workout powder
  • Meal prep bags
  • Knee sleeves & wrist straps
  • Resistance bands

With past mentions in People Magazine,, Business Insider, and BarBend, we wouldn’t be surprised if Lift’s popularity unexpectedly exploded in the next few years.

Especially with a potentially ground-breaking tool like the Dead Wedge in its line of products.

What is the Dead Wedge?

What is the dead wedge image

The Dead Wedge is a thin slice of angled rubber that provides the same benefits as a deadlift jack but is far easier to use.

Here’s the difference.

To use a standard deadlift jack, you have to drag the whole piece of equipment over to your loaded barbell, prop it up, and then switch out the plates.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Not only does this force you to sacrifice some energy that you could be used to set a PR on the deadlift, but it’s also plain time-consuming.

Frankly, deadlift jacks are a waste of time, energy, and money.

The Dead Wedge, on the other hand, is nothing more than a contoured piece of rubber.

Lodge it under the innermost weight plate, roll the plate into the grooves, and your weights are now hovering an inch off the ground.

Slide those 45s on and off and then roll the bar off the Wedge. In less than a minute, you’re ready to crank out another set of deadlifts without eating up too much of your rest periods.

No lifting, second person, or repositioning is necessary!

Dead Wedge Details & Features

Your gym’s deadlift jack has had your back until now, even if it does make your workouts a little more hectic on deadlift day.

Why change your routine now?

Well, let’s talk a little bit more about the Dead Wedge and why it may be a game-changer to your upcoming workouts.

The Physical Design of the Dead Wedge

The physical design of the dead wedge image

The Dead Wedge is made of a flexible, non-slip, thin rubber material and has a unique shape.

The far end—where you’ll roll the weight plate up—meets the ground directly and has a slight upward angle.

At the peak of the ramp, the rubber sinks into a groove where a 45-pound plate rests nicely.

Width-wise, the Dead Wedge is about the same width as a standard Olympic plate.

That means you don’t have to worry about readjusting the Wedge’s position as you load the bar or the rubber creating a gap between one plate and another.

It also doesn’t take an insane amount of effort to roll the plates onto the Wedge until you can secure it in the groove, making this a practical tool whether you deadlift 50 pounds or 400.

Once in the Wedge, the remaining plates will be about an inch off the ground. It’s a bit of a tight squeeze, but this extra height simplifies removing and adding heavy plates to the bar.

The non-slip rubber and snug fit around weight plates ensure that your barbell won’t suddenly roll off the Wedge while adjusting the plates…even if you accidentally bump into the bar.

Until you intentionally remove the bar from this piece of rubber, it’ll stay put.

The Unique Capabilities of the Dead Wedge

The unique capabilities of the dead wedge image

If you look at the Dead Wedge’s physical construction, it’s not unusual to think this tool is overhyped.

It can’t possibly support that much weight or be compatible with any non-traditional types of weight plates…right?

You’re in for a surprise on this one.

Though just 1.25 inches thick at its highest point, the rubber’s durability is far more critical than the thickness or size. The Dead Wedge may be able to support upwards of 900 pounds.

The rubber’s strength and durability make the Dead Wedge a long-term solution for day one, all the way to year ten and later.

Now, maybe your gym doesn’t have the traditional circular weight plate.

Though hexagonal or polygonal-shaped plates won’t fit as nicely into the curved groove, the Dead Wedge’s non-slip rubber will ensure it’s compatible with any gear your gym has.

Simply keep it in your gym bag and bring it with you no matter which gym you’re hitting today.

3 Notable Benefits of the Dead Wedge

Travels Easily

Dead wedge travels easily image

Unlike a deadlift jack that stays at the gym, your Dead Wedge can go wherever you go.

Weighing less than half a pound and having dimensions of 9.25″ x 1.75″ x 1.25″, to say the Dead Wedge is portable is a massive understatement.

You can easily slip it into your gym bag alongside your lifting shoes. So you don’t have to decide, “Do I bring my Wedge today, or is my belt more important?”

Bring it all.

Easy to Clean

A lot of lifting equipment can make your workouts a hell of a lot easier. But given the grime, dust, and dirt on the gym floor and weight plates, you’d hate to ruin your Dead Wedge so soon.

Fortunately, the incredibly smooth texture and rubber construction make keeping your Dead Wedge clean a non-issue.

You can wipe it off with a dry cloth or rinse it off with a little soap and water without ruining it or having to wait hours for it to air-dry.

Wipe it down, put it back in the bag, and head home!


Flexibility isn’t always the best characteristic of gym gear when you’re lifting upwards of 200 or 300 pounds. You always have to wonder whether the equipment will hold up when you need it.

Yet, the Dead Wedge’s flexible rubber is precisely what makes it nearly invincible (they say it lasts forever, but we have to see!).

It may give a little with super-heavy weights on top of it or bend when stashed inside your gym bag, but it won’t snap the way plastic will or tear the way leather does.

Don’t feel you have to take it easy on your Dead Wedge.

Check out some of the reviews on Amazon to get more stories.

2 Negatives of the Dead Wedge

The Set-Up

While far more comfortable to use than a deadlift jack, rolling a bar loaded with potentially 300+ pounds onto your Dead Wedge isn’t entirely risk-free.

It can force you to use a little more energy than you would with a jack, as you’re not just using one swift motion downward, but rather rolling the weight plates onto the ramp.

Plus, it’s a bit of a hassle to line up the innermost weight with the Wedge and then roll it up.

With a jack, precision isn’t quite as vital.

Could Be Higher

Dead wedge could be higher image

Having your weight plates at any distance above the ground is better than it being flat on the ground, which is definitely a perk of the Dead Wedge.

But the weight plates are only about an inch above the ground.

It’ll take a bit more focus and precision to put new weight plates on, especially at the odd angle you’re at when the bar is on the Dead Wedge.

It would help if the Wedge were even an inch or two higher.

Wrapping Up This Dead Wedge Review

The Dead Wedge is an excellent tool to keep in your bag, whether you’re a frequent flyer at the gym or have your own set-up in your garage.

It’s made of a durable rubber that—supposedly—lasts forever, can fit in your gym bag without taking up too much space, and is easy to keep clean thanks to its smooth rubber texture.

Dead wedge amazon image
Click the image to check the price on Amazon.

But the Dead Wedge isn’t without its faults.

Rolling a barbell with heavyweight plates onto the Wedge and squeezing a 45-pound plate onto the bar with just an inch of leeway is both a bit of a hassle.

Overall, the Dead Wedge is a great investment.

Especially if you’re tired of using a deadlift jack or currently don’t use anything to help you load up the bar on deadlift day.

Rating: 8.5/10

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