Dawn French on her memory loss due to menopause


However, adapting to the menopause can be extremely tricky for many women. The National Institute of Ageing states that for many women, menopause can cause hot flushes, sleeping trouble, pain during sex, mood changes, irritability, depression or a combination of these things.

The NHS elaborates on this saying that symptoms can begin months or even years before periods stop, and can last for around four years after your last period – although some women experience them for much longer.

For some women, like Dawn, brain fog is a common symptom of menopause. A lot of women worry that these are early signs of dementia. But if these experiences coincide with changes in your hormone levels and maybe a few (or many) hot flushes, they are far more likely to be signs of menopause than the onset of dementia.

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health says up to two-thirds of women in menopause or perimenopause report cognitive problems. However, it is unclear what causes these deficits, and whether they continue postmenopause.



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