Burnout symptoms: The subtle and not so subtle signs you need to slow down


Hannah recommends the following:

1. Nourish yourself well – A 2021 review confirmed that many people that experience burnout may not be eating high-quality food, whereas people following a healthy diet seem to have a higher resilience against burnout. Aim to eat a rainbow of colourful fruit and veg, good quality protein from wild fish and meat, beans, legumes and tofu and healthy fats from nuts, seeds, oily fish, avocado, and olive oil. Switching to wholegrain and complex carbohydrates is recommended to help support blood sugar balance (which is important for regulating the stress response).

2. Don’t be afraid to ask for help – If you are struggling at work speak to your manager or HR. Explain to them the issues that are causing your difficulties e.g., lack of resources, lack of training, lack of supervision, poor communication etc. and see if you can work together to come up with some solutions. Many companies now offer various forms of support for employees at risk of burnout, for example, Stress Risk-Assessments and Wellbeing Plans.



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