5 Yoga Asanas To Energize Your Lazy Winter Mornings


Morning yoga helps to cleanse your thoughts and prepare your body for the day. If you are one of those people who wakes up with pain and stiffness in the mornings, yoga is for you.

Start your yoga practise in the mornings. Your early yoga practise can put your whole body in motion and make you pretty active. Make sure to finish with Savasana (Corpse Pose) and add a few minutes of pranayama or meditation to your programme.

“The first and most crucial piece of advice from Ayurveda is that we should drink water as soon as we wake up. When we wake up, drinking water helps to hydrate us and remove toxins from the body. The act of hydrating oneself as soon as you awaken can help to thoroughly cleanse your body, including your teeth, tongue, and digestive system,” says Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, Akshar Yoga Institutions, Himalaya Yoga Ashrama, World Yoga Organisation.

Benefits of yoga in the morning

Benefits of early morning yoga practise are many. Your metabolism becomes active, and your digestive system is activated too that assists nutrients to move through your body more easily. The greatest time to exercise for weight loss is in the morning because this is when carbohydrates and fats are metabolised most quickly. Before eating breakfast, get on your yoga mat and practise some simple breathing techniques before starting with the asanas. Akshar shares 5 yoga asanas that could energise your lazy winter mornings. You can practise the following asanas and repeat for up to 3 sets holding for 30 seconds each

Hastha Uttanasana – Raised-Arms Pose

  • Stretch upwards while remaining in Pranamasan and raising your joint palms above your head.
  • Create a little arch with your head, neck, and upper back.
  • As you tilt your upper body back, make sure your arms are next to your ears.
  • Fix your focus on the sky.

Padahastasana – Standing Forward Bend Pose

  • Exhale from the Hastha Uttanasan position, softly lower your hips with your upper body, and tuck your nose between your knees. Your palms should be on either side of your feet.
  • To do this as a novice, you might need to gently bend your knees.
  • With experience, aim to contact your thighs with your chest while progressively straightening your knees.
  • Tuck your nose between your knees and let your neck fall naturally with gravity.
  • Aim to keep as little space as possible between your upper and lower bodies.
  • Watch out for hunching of the back.


Kneel on the yoga mat in ustrasana and lay your hands on your hips.

  • While straightening your arms, arch your back and slip your palms over your feet.
  • Maintain a neutral position for your neck rather than flexing or straining it.
  • Hold this position for a few breaths.
  • Exhale fully and return gradually to the starting position. Pull your hands back and place them on your hips as you stand up.


  • Lay on your back, place your palms next to your torso, and lift your legs 90 degrees using your abdominal muscles.
  • Allow your lower back and middle back to lift off the ground so that your toes can touch the floor behind you while pressing your palms firmly into the ground and letting your legs fall back behind your head.
  • If it is more comfortable for you, you can keep your hands flat on the floor while bending your arms at the elbow to support your back.
  • Hold the pose for a few breaths

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 Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

  • Keep your feet together and your toes on the ground while lying flat on your stomach with your palms under your shoulders.
  • Completely inhale (Purak), hold your breath (Kumbakh), and then raise your head, shoulders, and torso at a 30 degree angle. Check that your navel stays on the floor, that your shoulders are broad, and that your head is slightly raised upward.
  • Applying pressure to your toes can open the channels that lead to your lower back, the Sun (right) and Moon (left).
  • Hold the position for 10 seconds • Slightly lower your torso before exhaling (Rechak) – This breathing method is beneficial

Go for a walk or practice Siddha Walk

Exercise is the next greatest thing you can do for your health after drinking water and hydrating yourself. Start your day out with some exercise, such as a stroll through the park. You can also engage in an age-old yogic exercise known as the Siddha Walk, Yoga Walk, Mind Walk, or Infinity Walk. You must trace the number 8 on the ground to complete this technique. Take a 21-minute stroll in one direction, from south to north, and then take a 21-minute walk in the opposite direction. You can even do it for a shorter duration.

Practicing yoga in the morning clears up your mind and gets your body ready for the day. If you are one of those people who wake up feeling stiff, and in pain, early morning yoga practice can help you with this. There are also great benefits to practice on an empty stomach.

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