Zyzz’s Aesthetic Workout & Diet Plan (Intense!)


Zyzz aesthetic workout image

Zyzz became an internet phenomenon back in 2010 in forums like 4chan and bodybuilding.com, flooding talk spaces with photos of his skater hair, tattoos, and absolutely ripped physique.

Notorious for his untamed ego, desire to catch the female eye, and hope to create envious forum-goers, Zyzz paired his buff photos with taunts like “u jelly?”

His cult-like following was a bizarre mix of coming-of-age Millennials and amateur bodybuilders envious of the legend’s impressive build, quite surprising for a guy in his late teens and early 20s.

(Up until then, the “faces” of bodybuilding were men in their 30s and 40s.)

Now ten years later, we’re taking a look at Zyzz’s aesthetic workout and diet plan that has since inspired many young guys to join the gym and pursue amateur bodybuilding.

Warning: it’s intense!

About the Creator – Aziz Shavershian (AKA: Zyzz)

Zyzz — “Zeez” — broke the internet by 2010 standards, reaching meme-like status on 4chan (major yikes), YouTube, bodybuilding.com, and even Urban Dictionary.

“Bitches can’t get enough of the zyzz aesthetics” – Urban Dictionary

Born Aziz Sergeyevich Shavershian in Russia in 1989, the Australian bodybuilder’s transformation from cliche ectomorph to pure “ripped” was an ego-driven path.

He and his brother — Said — joined a gym during his teen years on the quest for a bodybuilding career, idolizing industry elites like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The reason: to catch ogling eyes from the ladies.

Zyzz had a digital reputation for posting pictures of his shredded physique (mimicking Hulk Hogan’s iconic pose) on forums, asking fellow users, “u jelly?” or “u mirin’?”

Unfortunately, the up-and-coming bodybuilder’s life was tragically cut short after he suffered a heart attack at just 22 years old.

Shortly after his passing, his brother’s arrest for steroid possession left many questioning if Zyzz’s aesthetic muscles and drastic gains were all-natural.

What is Zyzz’s Aesthetic Workout?

Zyzz’s six-year spree in the bodybuilding community may have been short-lived, but he delivered a now-decade-old gift in the form of his aesthetic workout (first revealed on SimplyShredded).

The self-identified ectomorph endured a life-long struggle of packing on lean mass, ultimately inspiring this aesthetic routine to create a tapered and “universally appealing” physique.

Zyzz’s mass-building, aesthetic, and confidence-boosting routine revolved around his philosophy:

  • Not capping your training performance (not seeing rep ranges as firm endpoints)
  • Constantly pushing your body to its limits
  • Tricking your mind into thinking you enjoy every workout (yep, leg day included)
  • Making each workout mentally and physically exhilarating
  • Avoiding the wildly overdone gym atmosphere (chatting, dilly-dallying)

Zyzz’s aesthetic workout still earns mentions every few months on sites like Reddit and Bodybuilding, though the consensus seems to be the same: it’s pretty damn intense.

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Zyzz’s Workout Details

Zyzz workout details image

Still making the rounds online, Zyzz’s workout is one of the few aesthetic splits that doesn’t require any bizarre gym equipment or enforce unconventional training principles.

That might be because, well, it was the early 2000s (things were easier).


If your gym has a free weight section and basic machines, bully for you: Zyzz’s routine is still on the table! Here’s a look at what you’ll need equipment-wise:

Want all of these machines in one? Maybe a home gym training station is more your style!

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If you want the flexibility to train at home without sacrificing your favorite gym exercises, now you can. This multifunction training station has everything you need from the bench press to the preacher curl and all moves in between.

Okay, that sounds like a fully stocked gym. But if you can resist the urge to shout “u jelly?” flex in the mirror, or slam the weights, this routine is 100% possible with a Planet Fitness membership.

That’s saying a lot.

Everything You Need to Know

Before we get into the fine details of the week ahead, we want to leave no stone unturned. If you ditch your current routine to become yet another Zyzz disciple, here’s what you need to know:

  • Workouts should likely take <45 minutes per session.
  • It’s a “bro split,” but is anyone surprised given the source?
  • You’ll knock out four back-to-back workouts a week with one full-body workout on the weekend (two off days per week).
  • If you’re attempting your Zyzz transition — from scrawny to buff — you might want to cut a few sets per exercise until your body adjusts to such an intense level of training (or start with a more manageable workout).

Labeling this routine “aesthetic” and looking at who penned it, it’s quite clear: if this routine works as described, you should see results in the form of beefier, more defined muscles all over!

Here’s what the five Zyzz workouts look like:

(Originally, there was no defined rest between sets. We took the liberty to add about 60 seconds in-between, in line with 2009 research suggesting 30-60 seconds is ideal for mass gains.)

Day 1 – Chest & Biceps Day

  • Incline Dumbbell Bench Press – 4 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)
  • Bench Press – 3 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)
  • Incline Fly – 3 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)
  • Chest Dip – 3 sets until failure (60 seconds)
  • Barbell Curl – 3 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)
  • Preacher Curl – 3 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds) — drop down to half the weight for another 8 reps

Day 2 – Legs & Calves Day

  • Squat – 4 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)
  • Lunge – 3 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)
  • Leg Press – 3 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)
  • Leg Extension – 3 sets until failure(60 seconds)
  • Leg Curl – 3 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)
  • Calf Exercise – until failure with plenty of reps

Day 3 – Back Day

  • Lat Pulldown – 3 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)
  • Deadlift – 4 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)
  • Bent-Over Row – 3 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)
  • Dumbbell Row – 3 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)
  • Hyperextension – 3 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)

Day 4 – Shoulders & Triceps Day

  • Shoulder Press – 4 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds) — switch between the barbell and dumbbell variations each week
  • Upright Row – 3 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds) — superset with dumbbell lateral raises
  • Front Raise – 3 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)
  • Lying Rear Deltoid Raise – 3 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)
  • Close-Grip Bench Press – 3 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)
  • Pulldown – 4 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)
  • Skullcrusher – 3 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)

Day 5 – Rest & Recovery

Day 6 – Full Body Day

  • Deadlift – 3 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)
  • Squat – 3 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)
  • Clean & Jerk – 3 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)
  • Weighted Pull-Up – 3 sets x 8-10 reps (60 seconds)

Day 7 – Rest & Recovery

Zyzz’s Diet Details

Zyzz’s cardio-free routine is no accident, hinging on the strict diet the bodybuilder followed to remain lean and catch the ladies (and — of course — envious gym-goers) gawking.

Zyzz had a few hard-and-fast rules on the nutritional end:

  1. Skip the fast-food joints.
  2. Pass on soda.
  3. Ditch sugar and sweets.
  4. Stick to water and green tea for hydration.

Though he rarely counted calories and likely surpassed 4,000 a day, we know that Zyzz ate a protein-rich diet divided into 7-8 meals (to ramp up metabolism and get that shredded look).

Here’s a look at what his daily meals looked like:

(If you don’t have kangaroo, feel free to swap in the meat of your choice — beef, turkey, chicken, whatever tickles your fancy.)

Meal 1

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Swolverine whey protein isolate image

Meal 2

  • Brown rice
  • Broccoli
  • Chicken breast, boiled (300g)

Meal 3

  • Wholemeal pasta
  • Spinach leaves
  • Tuna chunks, in spring water (200g)

Meal 4

  • Vegetables
  • Stir fry kangaroo (???) & beef mince

Meal 5

  • Brussel sprouts
  • Kangaroo (or steak if, you know, America)

Meal 6

  • Salmon
  • Scrambled eggs (4)

Meal 7 (Around 10 P.M.)

  • Cottage cheese, no fat (1 cup)


With an envy-inducing physique like Zyzz’s, it’s no surprise that the ripped legend was a loud and proud fanatic of supplements that support aesthetics. His diet wasn’t complete without:

Of course, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin C supplements are a waste of money if you already eat a balanced diet rich in meats, nuts, fruits, and seeds.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Calories Did Zyzz Eat?

Zyzz’s diet was classic of the stereotypical skinny bodybuilder: around seven meals a day, totaling about 3,800 to 4,000 calories and 400g of protein. While extreme for the average person, his diet factored in his ectomorph frame, fast metabolism, and sometimes 3-4 hours training in the gym daily.

Did Zyzz Do Cardio?

Zyzz wasn’t a fan of cardio, but that ties into his natural ectomorphic physique that makes packing on lean mass a challenge. Any bit of cardio would’ve slowed progress, even if only slightly. He preferred to maintain his slim, low-fat physique with a strict diet and regular weightlifting sessions.

How Tall Was Zyzz?

Oddly enough, Zyzz’s height was a hot topic of discussion in fitness forums in 2010-11. While the bodybuilder appeared short beside Anthony Mundine (an Australian boxer), many agree that Zyzz stood somewhere between 6’1” and 6’2”.

How Long Did Zyzz Train?

Before his unexpected passing in 2011, Zyzz trained for about six years, joining the bodybuilding.com forum sometime in 2005 (around age 16). The self-proclaimed ectomorph ditched his WoW obsession the following year to commit to training, eventually spending 3-4 hours a day in the gym.

Zyzz’s Workout: The Pros

1. It’s a Bro Split Rooted In Bodybuilding Principles.

As you may have guessed, Zyzz’s routine is a cliche “bro” routine (a five-day split). But although his online posts were eye-rollers, this program follows traditional bodybuilding principles:

  • 8-10 reps per set (within the ACSM’s training philosophy for hypertrophy)
  • Twice a week frequency … technically, if you count the full-body workout as every muscle (supported by 2009 research revealing twice a week is ideal for mass)
  • 48-72 hours of rest between workouts for maximal recovery, allowing for a 100% intensity workout next time around (reported by a 2019 study)

2. It’s the Whole Package

Now, is eating kangaroo twice a day, reserving an hour-long slot in the gym, and shoveling down 4,000 calories a day “reasonable” for your average dude?

Not unless he struck it rich on $GME.

But the Zyzz plan includes as much guidance as possible (follow as much or as little as you want): a five-day workout, a seven meal sample plan, and recommended supplements (like whey protein and pre-workout).

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This is one of our top recommended whey protein powders because of it’s high protein content per serving, extreme deliciousness, and the fact that all Swolverine products are sourced from GMP-certified facilities

Swolverine whey protein isolate image

Adapt it to your liking, and you, too, might catch people mirin’.

3. It Doesn’t Skip Leg Day (Yes, the Bar Is That Low These Days).

There’s a reason amateur bodybuilders wear sweatpants to the gym, and it’s not because the gym is chilly and their legs are ultra-sensitive to the cold.

Zyzz was a firm believer that leg day matters, reflected in his routine.

An entire workout dedicated to legs and a full-body workout on the weekend is almost unheard of in the traditional bodybuilding sphere.

There’s nothing impressive about a beastly upper body paired with a set of toothpicks.

Zyzz’s Workout: The Cons

1. The Results Are Questionable.

There’s no consensus on whether Zyzz used anabolic steroids, and it’s not our place to suggest he was or wasn’t. But there’s enough doubt circling the internet that it’s a potential downside.

This routine is arguably an insane daily volume for all-natural bodybuilders, leaving many to speculate that it’s impossible to complete and recover from without anabolic steroids.

Will you look like Zyzz after 12 weeks or even six months on this routine? You’ll certainly see some results, but there’s no guarantee his results will match yours.

2. The 8-10 Rep Range Might Feel Repetitive Quite Fast.

There’s nothing wrong with the 8-10 rep range (and occasionally training to failure). But because nearly every exercise sticks to this scheme for 3-4 reps, it’ll quickly become stale.

If dragging yourself to the gym is like plucking teeth, doing the same thing, day in and day out, might get “blah” pretty quickly.

Feel free to adjust the range slightly. For example, 6-8 reps for some, 8-10 for others, and maybe even 12-15 to drain the tank at the end of the workout!

3. Long-Term, It Can Feel Like Overkill.

The problem with bro splits (aside from the stigma and spray tan) is that the sheer volume can be extraordinarily taxing on a beginner’s — or even an intermediate’s — body.

Look at it this way.

By the time you finish chest and biceps day, you’ll be several hundred reps deep on your chest alone. Studies show that 28-30 sets per week are within the “sweet spot” per week for mass.

And the burn and weakness offer a satisfying motivation to chase the “pump.”

Yet, the volume doesn’t matter if you’re only at 50% by the last few sets. You’d be better off maximizing your gains by dividing these sets and reps into 2-3 workouts a week or trying a workout routine that adjusts to your lifestyle and preferences.

Zyzz’s Aesthetic Workout & Diet Plan Conclusion

It might be a tad outdated and a bit mediocre by today’s standards (at least entertainment-wise), but Zyzz’s aesthetic workout and diet plan is still prized amongst amateur bodybuilders.

Yes, it’s a “bro split,” lunk-alarm-setting-off, uncomfortably intense program with no certain proof Zyzz actually used it as described (the whole steroids fiasco).

But it’s firmly rooted in bodybuilding principles (though some are lacking), has enough volume to guarantee a “pump,” and doesn’t skip leg day; hallelujah!

It’s a solid routine if you have a flexible schedule — and budget — that allows you to eat seven times per day and commit five or so hours to train a week.

However, we suggest making the routine work for you; cut sets, swap in your favorite exercises, and perhaps even wait until you have a little more training experience under your belt!

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Getting in shape isn’t easy. But this program gives you a real-life approach to building a leaner, more muscular body without obsessing over fitness 24/7.

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