What Your Choice Of Lipstick Shade Says About Your Personality


A bright red lipstick is bold and is a statement in itself.

A bright red lipstick is bold and is a statement in itself.

A few of the most common shades of lipstick used nowadays are bright red, brown, nude and pink.

Every individual has a different personality. How a person dresses, the makeup they put on, the lifestyle they lead and various other factors can shape an individual’s personality. Recently, a test has surfaced on the internet, which can tell the personality of a woman by the colour choice of their lipstick. A few of the most common shades of lipstick used nowadays are bright red, brown, nude and pink. Did you know that these various shades say something different about your personality? Let’s take a look at what these shades say about an individual’s personality.

– Red lipstick

A bright red lipstick is bold and is a statement in itself. If a woman likes to put on red lipstick, it means she is very enthusiastic. This also means she would be very courageous, confident, determined and energetic. These women are very aware of themselves. Be it at home or when going out, such individuals are always the favourite person of their partner or friends. These individuals are known to take bold steps, are very ambitious and never let go of any opportunity to get what they want.

– Brown lipstick

Brown lipstick may not be as bold as red but definitely makes a statement when paired with the right kind of dress. If a woman picks brown lipstick, it says that she is strong, dependable and quite composed. These individuals are strong, reliable, calm, collected and quick witted. Their sense of humour and warm personality make everyone like them. They do not fake their emotions and are genuine to others. Such people are known to uphold traditions and family values.

– Nude lipstick

The nude colour is very subtle and can be paired with almost any dress. Any woman who likes nude lipstick is classy and sophisticated. The personality test further says that people who pick nude lipsticks are known to be very kind, cheerful, lighthearted, and generous. On the outside, they may look really tough, but on the inside, they’re very sweet and fun-loving. At times, they can be a bit arrogant as well.

– Pink lipstick

Yet another bold colour is pink. If a woman likes pink lipstick, she is very energetic. Such people are unknown to have innocence and radiate positive emotions. These are the people who would laugh hard at parties and are quite easy to joke around. Because of their sociable and adventurous side of personality, they can easily make friends, meet people and learn various new things.



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