What Your Breakouts Might Say About Your Health Based on Where They Pop Up

Location: Chin and jawline

There’s a reason we tend to see more blemishes pop up right before a period begins. “Breakouts in the chin and jawline area are a very common pattern seen in hormonal acne in women, especially when they are deep, painful acne bumps that flare with periods,” Dr. Alster explains.

“Acne cysts and nodules of the chin and jawline are especially common in adult women, versus the full facial, or more upper facial acne of teen years,” adds Dr. Waldorf.

How to treat it: 

“The chin is linked to the small intestine, so diet changes can make a huge difference,” adds Markland, who notes staying away from dairy and oily meals can help this area clear up while keeping digestion running smoothly.

“These types of breakouts are best treated with anti-androgen oral medications such as specific anti-acne birth control pills or a medication called spironolactone, which was originally developed as a blood pressure diuretic pill but has been found to work really well in hormonal acne,” says Dr. Alster.

According to the dermatologist, recent evidence-based studies have shown that combining both oral contraceptive with spironolactone can work better for hormonal acne together than either one can individually. “We will often combine these oral treatments with topical retinoid cream to help with comedonal acne that includes whiteheads and blackheads, which can often coexist with hormonal acne.”



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