Virgo Horoscope January 2022 — Love and Career Predictions


Read what your sign’s 2022 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Virgo personality profile. 

Welcome to the first month of 2022, charming Virgo. Your ruling planet is Mercury, which is most commonly known for its infamous retrogrades (and yes, there is one this month). However, Mercury is the messenger of the Gods, and intelligent, put together, and an excellent communicator. If you ever need reassurance that Virgos always have it together, just remember that Beyoncé is a Virgo. No wonder the queen is a perfectionist. 

On Sunday, January 2, Mercury enters independent Aquarius and turns your attention to your health. Are you communicating your needs well enough to others, Virgo? Perhaps you’re ready to try a new relationship format or need to tell a prospective partner to slow things down. There’s also a new moon in fellow Earth sign Capricorn on Sunday, January 2. Dark new moons are for intention-setting and new beginnings. It’s not too late to make New Years’ resolutions. Go ahead and politely share your needs. 

The first Mercury retrograde of the year begins on Friday, January 14, and goes through Thursday, February 3. You can expect the usual travel delays, technology mishaps, and texts from exes. It’s also not a great time to sign important documents, but double-read the fine print if you must. Your main goal during this Mercury retrograde is not to let it get you down Virgo. Because Mercury is your ruling planet, you are more affected by its backward dance than others. So work out, have sex, or scream into a pillow to take your frustrations out on something other than your friends and lovers. 

There’s a full moon in sweet Cancer on Monday, January 17, which brings your friendships into the spotlight. First off, stop feeling awkward, Virgo. Everyone is still adjusting to socialization while staying safe during the pandemic. But even if it’s just a phone call, reconnect with your friends these days. It doesn’t matter if you’re single or in a relationship; your friends are your backbone. Remember to put as much effort into your friendships as your work and love life. 

Uranus, which rules independence, innovation, and humanitarian efforts, goes direct on Tuesday, January 18. It’s been retrograde since Thursday, August 19, 2021. Uranus retrograde asked you to give your anxiety the attention it deserves finally. Ugh, I know, retrogrades always call us out. Whether you have a diagnosed anxiety disorder or just feel anxious as hell, please know that there are ways to treat it. From at-home techniques like meditation and breathing to working with a therapist, or trying medication, when Uranus goes direct, it wants you to cut as much discomfort out of your life as possible. 



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