Read your sign’s monthly horoscope to see what the universe has in store for you, or check out the Virgo personality profile.
Welcome to 2021, Virgo. You made it through 2020, but damn are you exhausted. The chaotic year has taken a toll on all of us, but we all handle stress differently. You may have found yourself taking up your classic role as the healer of the zodiac. You’ve been diligent about social distancing and wearing PPE, and might’ve even volunteered to protect those at-risk for COVID-19. Some Virgos have gotten involved with anti-racism rallies or fundraisers, while others kept busy taking care of loved ones. While all of that is admirable, 2021 asks you to also focus on taking care of yourself.
The first Mercury retrograde of the year occurs in Aquarius and your 6th House of Health, from Saturday, January 30 to Saturday, February 20. Be extra tender with yourself right now, Virgo. Try to get plenty of rest, and remember to hydrate. Even healers need healing. Because Mercury is your ruling planet, you are extra susceptible to its effects, including receiving texts from exes, experiencing miscommunications, and dealing with annoying travel delays. The communication planet goes retrograde again in Gemini from Saturday, May 29 to Tuesday, June 22, and in Libra from Monday, September 27 to Monday, October 18. Please pay extra attention to your mental health during these dates, and consider working with a therapist virtually if you aren’t already.
Revolutionary Uranus will be in Taurus all year, in your 9th House of Philosophy. The planet squares off with strict Saturn in Aquarius, in your 6th House of Health and Work, on Wednesday, February 17, again on Monday, June 14, and finally on Friday, December 24. This standoff between the two planets only occurs every 22 and a half years and signifies clashes of power between conservative politics and more progressive and modern thinking. The larger implications of these transits? As a whole, we will all continue to grapple with systemic racism and the fallout stemming from the pandemic. For the sign of Virgo, this cosmic clash shows you the areas of your life in which you are overextended, and when you won’t erect boundaries, starts slashing away the extra food on your plate for you.
In the end, this is a good thing, because your love life will benefit from having more free time and energy. Lucky Jupiter enters Pisces in your 7th House of Partnerships from Thursday, May 13 to Wednesday, July 28, scattering magic fairy dust all over your partnerships. This is a brilliant time to meet someone new or level up a relationship, and it’s likely that many Virgos will become “official,” move in with a partner, or even get discuss marriage during these dates.