Tips and Remedies to Get Rid of Neck Pain and Stiffness


Neck Pain has become a common problem these days due to hectic lifestyle. The use of smartphones, laptops and computers for long hours causes shoulder and neck stiffness, pain and discomfort. The health issue is being referred to as tech neck, a new nomenclature. The cases of neck pain and stiffness have increased significantly recently after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Employees of various organisations and students are spending long hours in front of computers due to the work from home culture and online classes. However, you can try a few simple techniques at home to get rid of neck pain and stiffness.

Tips for neck sprain

Try these simple solutions for mild and frequent neck pain.

Ice should be used for the initial 48 to 72 hours, followed by heat. Warm showers, hot compresses or a heating pad can also be used to provide heat.

You can also try a few stretching exercises at your workplace to avoid a stiff neck. You can try two types of stretches- Stretching your shoulders back and down and squeezing your shoulder blades together.

Tips to get rid of pain

Maintain good posture while working with your computers or laptops. Put your display at the line of sight, sit upright and avoid bending or turning your head downward or to the side when working on the computer. Also, remember to take intermittent breaks from looking at your computer screen.

Keep the centre of your computer screen at eye level when you place the display in front of you. Using a backup monitor is a good idea if you primarily work on a laptop. To reach the keyboard, position the keyboard high enough that your shoulders won’t have to sag.

Take note of your sleeping postures. Always sleep on either side or back but not on your stomach. Resting on your stomach too can trigger low back pain since your abdomen sinks into the bedding if you do not have the cushioning.

(Disclaimer: The health tips shared in this article are based on common practices and general knowledge. Readers are advised to consult a doctor before following them at home.)

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