Tasers were drawn by cops in a record 34,000 incidents last year – despite months of lockdown 


Tasers were drawn by police in a record 34,000 incidents last year despite months of lockdown.

It was a 7 per cent rise in use of the electronic stun weapons year on year. They were fired in only one in ten incidents.

The ‘less lethal’ weapons were discharged 3,323 times across England and Wales in the year to the end of this March. 

This is a slight rise on the previous 12 months, a Home Office report showed.

Tasers were drawn by cops in a record 34,000 incidents last year – despite months of lockdown 

The ‘less lethal’ weapons were discharged 3,323 times across England and Wales in the year to the end of this March (pictured: Taser in holster worn by armed Metropolitan Police officer, Central London)

In all, there were 562,280 incidents of a police officer reporting the use of force on an individual.

In the previous 12 months the figure was 491,984. 

The report said this change was likely due to improved recording of incidents.

The Home Office report said: ‘The change in the number of incidents is likely due to the improved recording of use of force incidents over the four-year period of their publication.

Officer pulls a taser on a suspect in Isleworth, September 2020

Officer pulls a taser on a suspect in Isleworth, September 2020

Officer pulls a taser on a suspect in Isleworth, September 2020

‘It should not be interpreted as an increase in use of force over this time.’

Use of handcuffs accounted for half of all ‘use of force’ tactics.

‘Unarmed skills’, such as distraction strikes with hands and feet, or joint locks, were the second most common tactic type, reported 176,751 times.



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