Struggling to Communicate Your Feelings to Your Parents? Know Where They’re Going Wrong


They say there is nothing that makes a man or a woman happier than becoming a parent. While it is something to be ecstatic about, being a parent comes with its own set of rules and challenges.

No matter how hard you try, you end up committing mistakes. Childhood trauma can stay with kids long after they’ve grown up and affect their self-confidence and everyday conduct.

Nobody can be a perfect parent, however, it is very important to educate oneself to be the best version of a parent. Psychologist and Trauma specialist, Dr Heidi Green has recently shared a post on Instagram guiding parents and helping children identify what their parents might be doing wrong.

The post captioned – “Bottom line: If speaking to or spending time with your parents makes you feel drained, overwhelmed, inadequate, angry, or hurt, your relationship with them is bad for your mental health,” talks about signs that suggest parents might be harming their child’s mental health. The text in the post read “Signs Your Parents Might Be Bad For Your Mental Health:” and the mentioned signs and their meanings are as follows:

They are constantly criticising you- If your parents don’t appreciate your efforts and constantly try to make you feel bad, communicate it with them and try to devise a solution. Otherwise, it might affect your mental health negatively.

They minimize/take credit for your achievements- Make sure you don’t let your parents snatch your credit away from you. Keep a track of your milestones and be proud of yourself.

They won’t acknowledge any of their parenting failures- They might not let you talk about what they did wrong. Don’t let that make you over-apologetic in life and make sure you try and make your parents reflect on their mistakes.

They divert the conversation to themselves – Your parents might be narcissists. Understand this as quickly as you can so that you don’t blame yourself for all the errors in life.

They are disappointed in you- If you feel like they don’t agree with your life choices, work hard and try your best to excel in the field. This will help them reflect on their selfish approach and make space in their minds to accept what they are doing.

They don’t respect your boundaries – If you don’t have personal space, you need to call them out on it. Otherwise, you might end up encroaching on your partner’s or child’s personal space in the future.

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