Everyone feels bloated from time to time, and it can be incredibly uncomfortable. But making some changes to your diet could be the key to relieving your bloating pain once and for all.
Stomach bloating affects most people at some point in their lifetime, according to the NHS.
The condition can make the stomach feel swollen, hard, and it’s generally quite uncomfortable.
Your bloating pain may be caused by eating certain gassy foods, or by eating too fast or too much.
You could be raising your risk of stomach bloating if you regularly eat onions, it’s been claimed.
READ MORE: IBS diet: 4 best breakfast foods to ease bloating throughout the day
“Bloating is very common,” she wrote for medical website Healthline. “About 16–30 percent of people say they experience it regularly.
“Although bloating may be a symptom of a serious medical condition, it is usually caused by something in the diet.
“Onions are underground bulb vegetables with a unique, powerful taste.
“Even though they’re usually eaten in small quantities, onions are one of the main dietary sources of fructans. These are soluble fibres that can cause bloating.”
If you usually use onions in your cooking for their flavour, try swapping them out for a range of herbs and spices.
It should provide your food with the enhanced taste you’re looking for, while also leaving your stomach free of bloating pain.
You could also lower your risk of trapped wind by simply trying to avoid swallowing too much air.
Drinking through a straw could help to stop your bloating pain, while talking with your mouth full of food is a sure-fire way to swallow air.