Simple Ways To Feel More Awake: A Guide For Tired People

In modern times, life can be exhausting, and it can be all too tempting to opt for a double espresso to give yourself a boost of energy in the mornings. However, if you tend to struggle with your energy levels on a regular basis, it may be time to look at more natural ways of waking yourself up, instead of consuming your weight in caffeine. There are plenty of reasons you might feel tired such as adjusting to a new job and finding stress is keeping you awake, or bad habits leading to less sleep and feeling sluggish throughout the day as a result. No matter what your age is or why you’re feeling tired, there will always be moments where you need a burst of energy in order to get through your day.

Make Your Bed

Making your bed may sound like an odd way to feel more awake, but it can increase alertness. Many people find themselves taking an extra five minutes in bed in the morning, which usually turns into more than five minutes, which leaves them rushing to get ready and out the door on time. Making your bed is a simple task that still requires enough coordination to help your brain wake up, but it can also provide you with an early morning sense of accomplishment which is both motivating and energizing. Additionally, adding making your bed to your morning routine will help you avoid the temptation to hit snooze on your alarms in the morning as short bursts of interrupted sleep can leave you feeling more sluggish due to the stress response sudden waking can cause.

Open Your Blackout Curtains

Blackout curtains are a popular trend among modern workers, and while they are great for when you are jet-lagged or having a sleepless week and need extra rest, they can reduce how awake you feel in the mornings. Your body uses sunlight as a natural signal to wake up, and even when your eyes are closed, your body can recognize light seeping into the room, which helps your brain know the day has begun. However, if you find you can only fall asleep in a pitch-black room, you don’t need to get rid of your blackout curtains to reap the benefits of natural light making your feel more awake. When you start your day, make opening your curtains the first task you perform so that your body can begin to adapt to the light as early as possible.

The response to light has to do with your body’s circadian rhythms as this function takes cues from light and dark in order to produce melatonin which is the chemical responsible for regulating your waking and sleeping cycles. This is why the blue lights from your devices can you to struggle sleeping when used to close to bedtime and why your body uses sunlight as a cue to wake up.

When it comes to your wake-up routine, many people have begun using apps such as Rise Science that track how much sleep they get and their circadian rhythms in order to improve their sleep, as well as for advice on how to feel more awake. If you’re struggling to wake up in the mornings and removing your blackout curtains hasn’t helped, you may also benefit from sleep apps; for more information on how to feel more awake using sleep science, check out this resource.

Morning Exercise

Morning exercise is the ideal way to kickstart your day with a rush of endorphins. Adding a workout to your early morning routine can also increase your productivity, concentration, and mood during work while also helping you feel more awake for the entire day instead of hitting the afternoon slog, which can leave you feeling drained until bedtime. Light cardio workouts like jogging are the perfect way to wake up your brain within minutes, and the boost of endorphins will not only help you feel more awake, but you will also feel less stress throughout the day.

Hydrate Your Routine

Hydration is essential for the health of your body and for improving energy levels, so try shaking up your routine by replacing your morning coffee with ice water or by taking a cold shower if you’re feeling brave. Many people are slightly dehydrated when they first wake up, and drinking ice-cold water makes you feel more alert and wakes up your metabolism while providing your body with crucial hydration to boost your energy levels.

When it comes to a cold shower, many people shy away from the idea as the idea of hot water is far more appealing. However, a cold shower is a highly effective way to break you out of the feelings of drowsiness in the morning. It also provides a healthy shock to your body as the sudden cold wakes up your senses and nerve tracts without having to consume large quantities of caffeine.

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