Signs That Could be Your Body’s Way of Indicating Early-stage Lung Cancer


Lung Cancer is the second most common type of cancer in the world and accounts for many cancer-related deaths in men and women. Every year on August 1, World Lung Cancer Day is observed to raise awareness about the disease and inform people about the preventive measures that could help to keep the disease in check. The day also highlights the signs and symptoms that could help people diagnose lung cancer at an early stage. While lung cancer is a very dangerous disease, its fatal impact can be prevented with treatment during the early stages.

Here are symptoms that could be an indication of the disease:

Persistent coughing

One of the most common and early symptoms of lung cancer is coughing. If you have been experiencing persistent coughing that refuses to calm even after medication, it could be an indication of a bigger problem. It’s advised to consult a doctor and go through a diagnosis to be clear. There’s a greater chance of this persistent coughing being an indication of early-stage lung cancer if you are a smoker. Coughing up blood is a stronger indication of lung cancer

Chest pain

If you have been experiencing pain in your chest without an apparent reason behind it, then it could be a sign of your body telling you something. When a lung tumor causes tightness in the chest, you might experience pain, especially while breathing deeply, coughing, or laughing. The pain indicates that the tumor has spread to the lining of the lungs.

Shortness of breath

Another indication of the early stages of lung cancer in your body is shortness of breath. The presence of cancer tumor blocks the airways and puts pressure on the lungs disturbing the normal functioning of the respiratory system.

Unexpected weight loss

The presence of cancer cells in the body can cause a loss of appetite and unintended weight loss. If you have been experiencing continuous weight loss despite no change in your diet or routine, this could be an indication of a worrisome situation and you should consult a doctor about it.


Lung cancer can change the usual air movement through your windpipe and vocal cords which leads to a change in your voice. You may witness an increased huskiness and or hoarseness in your voice texture.

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