Actress Anushka Sharma is expecting her first baby with Indian men’s cricket team captain Virat Kohli. As of now, she is heavily pregnant and her due date is in this month. However, that has not stopped her from being fit. She took to her Instagram stories to share a boomerang of herself in which the actress is seen sweating it out on the treadmill.
Anushka is seen clad in a loose white round neck t-shirt, which she has teamed up with black gym pants. The look has been completed with a pair of sneakers.
Anushka had recently come to limelight for a photoshoot that she had done for a magazine. In the pictures that she had shared from the shoot, one could see her flaunting the baby bump. The netizens were divided in terms of reaction towards the photos. Some people were of the opinion that the photos were stunning, while some felt that the actress was going against traditional Indian values and culture.
Take a look at the posts:
The actress had announced her pregnancy in a social media post last year. She shared a picture with Virat in which one could also see her baby bump. In the photo, Anushka can be seen wearing a black dress with white polka dots, while her husband is clad in a casual grey t-shirt and white trousers.
After the announcement, Anushka has been regularly sharing her happy photos. In one of the photos, she was also seen pulling off a head stand with the help of her husband. She also informed her insta fam that her doctor had permitted her to continue doing yoga as she was in her pre-pregnancy. Apart from that, the actress had also extended a warm thanks to her yoga teacher who was present virtually, and Virat for being her support. The post has received 4 million likes till now.
Meanwhile, Anushka was last seen in the film Zero. The star cast of the movie included Shah Rukh Khan, Katrina Kaif and Sheeba Chaddha, among others. The 2018 film was directed by Aanand L Rai.