Pancreatic cancer: Subtle skin & eye changes that may be early symptom


Pancreatic cancer is the ninth most common cancer in the UK, with more than 10,000 cases diagnosed each year according to the World Cancer Research Fund. The disease is often thought of as a ‘silent killer’ due to its initial lack of symptoms.

Although symptoms can be “hard to spot”, the NHS does list some signs that patients may notice.

While the pancreas is located between the stomach and the spine, some of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer can actually impact the skin and even the eyes.

According to the NHS, one sign that suffers may notice is that the “whites of your eyes or your skin turn yellow”.

This change is known as jaundice and is one of the most common early symptoms among people who are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

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Typically, the liver releases a liquid called bile which contains bilirubin.

This then travels into the intestines, where it helps to break down fats, before exiting the body in the stool.

However, if the bile duct becomes blocked, bile can not reach the intestines and thus the body experiences a build-up of bilirubin.

Cancers that begin to grow in the body or tail of the pancreas may not press on the duct until a later stage.

Feeling sick or being unable to keep food down

Changes in your bathroom habits

Pain in the top of your stomach and your back

Symptoms of indigestion

Although not all of these symptoms are a clear indicator of pancreatic cancer, if you are at all concerned about your health, you should book an appointment with your GP.



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