After garnering praises for explicitly performing her role in the critically acclaimed Dasvi, Nimrat Kaur has again made it to the headlines for her body transformation journey. The actress, who played Abhishek Bachchan’s reel-life wife Bimla Devi, had gained around 15 kgs for the role. Nimrat has now penned down an open letter while stressing the importance of minding our own business when it comes to gaining or losing weight. While dropping before and after pictures of herself in a collage, the actress has written a one-thousand-word-long post as she shared her experience.
Taking to her Instagram account on Tuesday, Nimrat posted a before and after picture wherein she has donned the same athleisure outfit that includes a white sports bra paired with multi-colour floral print tights. While the left picture in the collage exhibits the extra weight that she gained for her latest comedy-drama, the right one shows her after her weight loss journey. While posting the picture of herself along with her long note, she wrote in the caption, “Weigh on it…Swipe left for my thousand words this picture won’t speak.”
In the next photograph, the actress opened her heart about how people around her reacted to her eating habit when she was trying to gain weight. Nimrat began her open letter by saying, “In the age of heightened expectations regarding what we ‘should look like, at all times –gender, age and profession no bar, I’m sharing a small chapter from my life that brought with it learnings that shall last a lifetime.”
Talking about her body type she added, “Born with what’s typically categorised a small to a medium body type, with Dasvi, came the requirement for me to size ‘up’. The idea being to be as unrecognisable and physically as dissimilar from ‘being Nimrat’ as possible. There was no target number in mind, but by the end of trying to achieve the desired visual impact, I was a touch above 15 kilos of my usual body weight. Initially, I was rather petrified of an unseen reality I was going to have to own and embrace. But as I steadily and lovingly along with the support and encouragement of my loved ones around me began right conversations with myself, I began relishing the process of becoming Bimla.”
While slamming the people around her, who judged her through this journey she said, “Ever so often, watching me eat high-calorie meals already being a few sizes bigger, some people around me felt they had the right to comment on what they thought I was doing wrong. It would be a snide remark, an uncalled-for joke, or simply an unsolicited piece of advice on what I should be eating instead of a dessert I was enjoying very much. This voyeuristic license and entitled permission are what came to the forefront.”
In her heart-melting long letter, Nimrat also addressed the trolls, and said, “On purpose, not always would I declare the ‘why’ behind what I was looking like or consuming. But always did I observe the ease with which people made my ‘larger than usual’ body and/or meal their business. I could’ve been unwell, under medication, hormonally battling something, or quite simply very happy to eat and be me whatever size that was.”
The actress concluded by saying, “This entire exercise taught me as a girl and an actor both, how non-negotiable it is for each of us to simply mind our own business. Having completed the circle of this journey and back to physically being me, today in the truest sense I’ve learned how not to let an outside perspective decide my relationship with me. Be kind. Be sensitive. Be graceful. Don’t make someone’s day worse if you can’t make it better. Be responsible. Make your mind and body your business. No one else’s.”
Meanwhile, recently Bollywood witnessed actresses like Kriti Sanon and Richa Chaddha opening up on their weight loss journey wherein both the actresses emphasised the healthy aspect of life instead of the beauty standards.
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