Need for Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness


Sexually transmitted infections continue to be one of the major public health concerns across countries

Sexually transmitted infections continue to be one of the major public health concerns across countries

To promote a better future and health for the nation, come together to educate and spread awareness of sexual and reproductive health.

Sexual health plays a key role in overall health and well-being of individuals. Sexual well-being is relevant not only in reproductive years, but throughout a person’s life from adolescence to old age.

Reproductive system is perhaps the most fragile system of the human body with unhealthy practices wreaking havoc not only on general health, but also with respect to fertility. Sexually transmitted infections continue to be one of the major public health concerns across countries. “Awareness about sexual and reproductive health issues aims not only to improve the condition, but help save lives by encouraging preventive measures against condition becoming more serious,” says Dr Amrita Razdan Kaul, Sr. Consultant, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Asian Hospital, Faridabad.

What is sexual and reproductive health and why does it matter?

Sexual well-being encompasses an individual’s ability to have responsible and safe sex with the freedom to decide, if, when and how often to do so. It includes physical and psychological well-being vis a vis sexuality. More so, includes access to sex education, access to safe, effective, affordable and acceptable methods of birth control, as well as access to appropriate health care services.

“Ensuring sexual health maintains reproductive ability of women to go safely throughout pregnancy and childbirth. Hence providing couples with best chance of having a healthy infant. Individuals if denied their sexual and reproductive rights and independence to make proper choice about their future can have a knock down impact on families, welfare and future generations,” adds Dr Kaul.

How to protect your sexual health?

Decision to be sexually active makes it essential to ensure sexual health protection by use of condoms or other method of contraception.

  • Getting evaluated for sexually transmitted infection if you have put yourself at risk.
  • Being aware of drawback of alcohol and drug abuse by affecting decision making and compromising your inhibitions for risk indulging practices.
  • Limiting your number of sexual partners.
  • Discuss your sexual relationship with your partner.

Also, it is equally important to take sexual hygiene seriously as it helps avoid chances of getting sexually transmitted infections and secondly, it decreases the possibility significant issues like infertility. In addition, maintaining good sexual hygiene can also work to improve your sexual life. Here’s how you can take care of your sexual hygiene.

“Avoid using body gel on intimate parts as it can disturb the pH in the intimate parts, resulting in the growth of germs and bacteria. Instead, you can use showering agents meant for genital areas if recommended by your healthcare professional,” explains Dr Kaul.

Women need to be more cautious during their periods and should regularly change sanitary pads to avoid the growth of harmful bacteria that can lead to vaginal infections.  Also, it is advisable to use sanitary pads made from natural materials as they do not promote bacterial growth.

“Wash your genitals often with water and most importantly women must clean their genitals during menstruation to prevent the development of harmful bacteria,” opines Dr Kaul.

In summation, it is important to spread awareness about sexual and reproductive health as the lack of correct information about safe sex, and sexually transmitted diseases (STD) is a big reason for the increasing number of STDs and unwanted pregnancies. Every person can bring some change.  To promote a better future and health for the nation, come together to educate and spread awareness of sexual and reproductive health.

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