Martin Scorsese health: ‘I might not get out of this alive’ – director on Covid ‘anxiety’


Martin Scorsese health: ‘I might not get out of this alive’ – director on Covid ‘anxiety’

Reportedly the star commented: “When I realized that everything was coming to a stop — a “pause,” as they said — and that my wife and I were going to have to quarantine and stay in the house for an indefinite period of time, anxiety set in. A new form of anxiety.

“The anxiety deepened, and with it the realization that I might not get out of this alive. I’ve had asthma throughout my life, and this is a virus that seems to attack the lungs more commonly than any other part of the body.

“I came to realize that I could very well be taking my last breath in this room in my home, which had been a refuge and which now became a kind of fortress, and was starting to feel like my prison. Here we were, suddenly living with the realization that the very air around us, the air that sustains us, could kill us.”

Similarly to his prolonged hospitalisation earlier in his career, Scorsese was able to take the positives out of the pandemic. He continued to add that the sense of togetherness individuals all over the world focused on was a huge benefit.

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