How to improve your libido
You need to ask yourself what might be underlying your problem and take steps to put this right. However, don’t be afraid to seek medical help.
You can get help if you are worried about your libido from your GP, the Sexual Health Clinic, Relate or a psychosexual therapist, but there are eight easy things you can do to get the ball rolling.
Reduce stress and anxiety
Stress and anxiety is such a major cause of low sex drive, according to Dr Lee.
She said: “Many of us do not realise how stressed we are – you need to slow down and learn how to relax.
“Make time for relaxation in your day. There are numerous ways to do this such as taking exercise, connecting with those around you, challenging yourself to take up a new skill or hobby, and becoming a volunteer.
“All these options detract you from your own worries and stresses and help you focus on other things.”
Get plenty of sleep
Getting more sleep can improve your libido.
In one study of college students, getting one extra hour of sleep per night led to a 14 percent improvement in the chance of having sex the next day.
Dr Lee said: “The women who noted an improved sex life were having on average seven hours and 22 minutes of sleep per night – so this was only around what is currently recommended.
“Similar findings have been found in studies of older people.
“A lack of sleep leads to a rise in cortisol levels, and high cortisol levels and interferes with levels of testosterone.”