Kylie Minogue health: The Aussie star says her breast cancer ‘changed many things forever


Only 36 years old at the time, Kylie Minogue admitted her breast cancer diagnosis ‘changed many things forever’. Do you know how to check breasts for signs of the deadly disease?

The princess of pop, now 52, discussed her frightening encounter with the “C” word to Who Magazine.

“Cancer changed many things forever,” she confessed. “My view of the world was different.”

Kylie continued: “My illness made me even more passionate about the all people and all the things that I love.

Look out for changes in skin colour or a rash around the nipple; speaking of which, also look out for a nipple that has become “pulled in”.

Also be aware of any nipple that has changed position or shape, any any puckering or dimpling of the skin.

One other sign of breast cancer is “a lump or thickening within the breast or armpit”.

You must alert your GP if there is discharge from one or both nipples and if there is constant pain in one part of the breast.

“The earlier breast cancer is detected, the greater the chance of successful treatment and cure,” assured Walk The Walk.

Women are advised to check their breasts once a month, “preferably after the end of your period”.

For menopausal women and men, it’s wise to check your breasts on the same day each month.

Breast Cancer Now states checking your breasts “only takes a few minutes” – and no special training is needed.

Make sure to check the whole breast area, including your upper chest and armpits.

Remember your breasts only need a little TLC – touch, look, and check. Ask yourself the following:

  • Can you feel anything unusual?
  • Does anything look different?

Check any changes with your GP or nurse, who will need to examine your breasts.

Kylie Minogue will be starring on BBC One’s Graham Norton Show, on Friday, November 6, at 10:45pm.

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