Masik Durga Ashtami, which is dedicated to Ma Durga, is celebrated with a daylong worship of the goddess on the Shukla paksha ashtami, with puja and vrat taking place in the evening. It is claimed that the vrat practised on this day may erase all sufferings from devotees’ lives and bring peace, wealth, and happiness into their families. The Ashadha Shukla Ashtami Tithi commences at on Saturday, July 17. The Shukla Ashtami Tithi in this month concludes on July 17, at 2:41 am IST.
Durga Ashtami: History and Significance
Once upon a time, there existed Durgam, a terrible monster that tormented the planets beyond comparison. All the gods fled to Kailash, terrified, to seek Lord Shiva’s assistance in this issue. On Shukla Paksha ashtami, Lord Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma united their forces and gave birth to Ma Durga.
They handed her the most formidable weapons, and she conducted a fierce battle with the demon, vanquishing him in no time. The three realms celebrated in delight and thanked and worshipped Ma Durga in a variety of joyful ways.
Durga Ashtami 2021: Puja Vidhi
Get up early in the morning, have a holy bath, and arrange the altar with Ma Durga’s picture. Light a large lamp in front of the Akhand Jyoti altar. Pink flowers, bananas, and coconut are among the most popular tributes to Maha Gauri.
Offering incense, ringing the bells, and blowing the conch are other methods to appease Maha Gauri. On this day, barley is seeded in earthen pots and allowed to flourish as a symbol of wealth.
The house is not left empty for the entire day. From sunrise until evening, worshippers do not eat anything. If this is not feasible, fruits and milk are consumed. The puja is conducted in the evening once again, and the fast is completed after sunset.
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