High cholesterol symptoms: How one eye condition could indicate high cholesterol


Worryingly the number of Brits with high Cholesterol is on the rise. Having high cholesterol can be dangerous. It often goes unnoticed as most Brits are asymptomatic, but what signs, if any, indicate that you could have high cholesterol.

Having high cholesterol levels is often due to being overweight, eating too much fatty food, not exercising enough.

Smoking and drinking alcohol excessively can also cause levels to spike.

But this concerning condition can also be inherited so if you have a family history of high cholesterol you may need to monitor your levels more closely than others.

The most worrying thing about having high cholesterol is its reputation as a “hidden killer”.

Often it’s almost impossible to know if you have it without a blood test.

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This arc may go on to become a complete ring around the iris (the coloured part of your eye).

Arcus senilis caused by fat deposits in the eye.

Whilst this condition doesn’t affect vision or require treatment it could indicate high cholesterol.

As Arcus senilis is a common condition for older adults when it appears it usually isn’t related to high cholesterol.


You need some cholesterol for cell function but too much can block your blood vessels.

This will increase your risk of developing heart problems or could lead to a stroke.

Fortunately, cholesterol levels can be lowered by following a healthy lifestyle.

High cholesterol can be reversed by eating healthy and exercising frequently.

Avoiding foods high in fat, quitting smoking and reducing your alcohol intake should help lower your cholesterol.



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