If you’ve ever had even a smidgeon of frizz, you’ve definitely been advised by a bunch of friends to try a keratin treatment of some form, sometimes known as a “Brazilian blowout” or a “smoothing treatment.” It’s been dubbed the “miracle” solution to have smoother, shinier hair in only one salon visit. Keratin is a protein present in human hair, skin, and nails that serves as a structural protein. It’s also widely used in style products to help strengthen hair.
The procedure of de-frizzing is trendier than ever, but can you afford it? What exactly does it do, and how long does it last? Keratin treatments are shrouded in mystery, so we have put up a simple guide to explain everything.
What does it do?
Keratin is chemically added to the hair during the treatment to make the tresses seem smooth, lustrous, and frizz-free, making it a popular choice among both men and women. These treatments fill-up the porosity patches in your hair caused by keratin loss. Frizz, knots, and breakage are caused by too porous hair. A keratin treatment simply rebuilds the hair by reintroducing lost protein into the hair strands.
How does It work?
A hairdresser applies a keratin hair-straightening chemical to your hair and then seals it in with the heat of a straightener. The procedure takes around 90 minutes or longer, given the length of your hair.
How Long Are Keratin Treatments Effective?
The most important guideline of keratin treatments is to avoid water and scrunchies for at least three days. You don’t want to risk ruining your recently straightened hair. The key to extending the life of your treatment is to use a sulfate-free shampoo on days when you wash your hair. Hair professionals also advise wrapping your hair in a silk or satin scarf (or pillowcase) to trap in moisture, as the treatment might cause your hair to dry out quicker. The treatments can last up to 6 months; however, the average time is about 2-4 months. This treatment also might permanently alter your natural curls.
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