Health Benefits Of Consuming Fresh Ginger And Dry Ginger


If you consume dry ginger powder before your meal then it will speed up the emptying process of the stomach by 50 per cent.

Ginger is a common yet popular ingredient for an Indian household.

We Indians are so lucky, but we hardly realise it. Firstly, because we belong to the land of Ayurveda, and secondly, we are surrounded by healthy herbs and ingredients. But sadly, we are not fully aware of the right usage and health benefits of all the ingredients, and often get confused with their versatility. For instance, did you know that ginger, which has plenty of health benefits, can be consumed in two ways: one when they are fresh from the market and second when they dry out, after lying around in our fridge for days.

Ginger is a common yet popular ingredient for an Indian household. We prefer to add it in tea or include it in dal and sabzi. But if you come across ginger that is completely dried out then do not throw it away, instead, you can make a powder out of it, which is called Saunth, and can consume it in the form of Kadha and Churan. Wondering about its health benefits? Let’s take a look at it:

  1. Get relief from nausea and morning sickness
    Dry ginger powder is extremely helpful for pregnant women, as it cures morning sickness. Wondering how to consume it? Just take half a spoon of dry ginger powder, mix it with warm water and add honey to enhance the flavour, and this will combat the symptoms of morning sickness and nausea.
  2. Indigestion
    The miracle ingredient is known to relieve discomfort and pain in the stomach caused by chronic indigestion. If you consume dry ginger powder before your meal then it will speed up the emptying process of the stomach by 50 per cent.
  3. Lowers Cholesterol Level
    High cholesterol levels lead to deadly cardiovascular diseases. Several health experts have claimed that Saunth helps in lowering the total cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Now let’s take a look at the health benefits of consuming Fresh Ginger:

  • Reduces inflammation
  • Extremely helpful for menstrual cramps. Try to consume it in hot tea.
  • Eases cold, cough, and flu
  • Lowers risk of cancer
  • Improves your peripheral circulation and induces sweating.

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