FOUR ways to soften the impact of SAD this winter


SAD tends to crop up as the days shorten, which starts in mid-September. Days will continue to get dark earlier until late December, by the solstice of the 21st. Contracting days may have an adverse effect on some people’s mental wellbeing, although doctors aren’t entirely certain as to why.

Health professionals still have recommendations on how to fight it, and has compiled some expert advice.

David Brudö, CEO and co-founder of mental wellbeing and self-development platform Remente, offered up his expertise.

He said SAD has links to seasonal changes and “exposure to sunlight”, which disrupts mood and sleep-regulating chemicals serotonin and melatonin.

Mr Brudö offered five steps SAD sufferers can take if their experience is not quite severe enough to warrant medical intervention.

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Exercising during autumn and winter is no easy feat, as the seasons will lash out with wind, rain and chilly temperatures.

But those who have trouble during the seasons may want to consider brief spells of exercise while it is still light, as it can help them work off stress and raise their mood.

Regular exercise will improve sleep quality, general health and raise endorphins.


Sleep well

Mr Brudo also recommends people with SAD consider their sleep hygiene.

Poor sleeping habits such as going to bed in the early morning, or lacking sleep in general, can set people off-kilter, making them feel more stressed, anxious and less productive.

Adults should keep to a sleep and waking schedule, ensuring they get at least seven to eight hours of rest a night.

Anyone struggling with the effects of SAD can contact a doctor for advice.

The NHS website explains: “You should consider seeing a GP if you think you might have SAD and you’re struggling to cope.

“The GP can carry out an assessment to check your mental health.

“They may ask you about your mood, lifestyle, eating habits and sleeping patterns, plus any seasonal changes in your thoughts and behaviour.”



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