Facing Hair Fall Issue After Recovering From COVID-19? Try These Methods


Telogen Effluvium is a term which many are not familiar with. The scientific term Telogen Effluvium is a condition in which you start experiencing excess hair loss a few months after you have recovered from COVID-19. If you get infected by COVID-19, your body becomes weak and certain changes occur in it which are not visible during the infection but you notice it only after you have recovered. There are various after effects of COVID-19 which stays for around six to seven weeks post recovery such as cough, congestion, fatigue, joint pain, and so on. While these can go away gradually by themselves, one thing that becomes a matter of concern is extreme hair fall resulting in thin and dull hair.

Hair fall can happen due to various reasons and the exact cause is difficult to find out. But if you are seeing a lot of hair coming out from roots while brushing or washing, then it can be due to COVID-19 or stress. To help you sort the hair fall problem, we have some easy solutions for you which can give you good results.

Amla Powder with ghee

It might sound a weird combination but is a very effective way to help stop hair fall. Before having your lunch, take a spoon full of amla powder and consume it with ghee. Drink a glass of warm water after that.

Massage with coconut oil

Coconut oil restores protein in your hair and makes them look healthy and lustrous. Before washing your hair, massage your scalp with hot coconut oil. It’ll make you feel good and will make your hair strong.

Reduce excess salt and sourness in your food

Eating a balanced diet is no doubt the best way to provide nutrients to your hair. Having too much salt or sour food increases the sodium deposit and makes you look weak by preventing other nutrients from going to the roots. If you reduce the amount of salt in your diet, it’ll be beneficial for your hair.

Quit smoking and drinking

Consumption of alcohol or smoking build toxicity in our body which in turn affect our hair.

Eat nuts and seeds

Nuts are tasty and healthy. They provide various nutrients to your hair. Nuts have vitamin E, B, and zinc and essential fatty acids which help in promoting hair growth. Seeds like sunflower seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds and so on are a powerhouse of nutrients just like nuts.

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