Facial Fillers Cause Blindness? What We Know


Facial fillers should only be done by experienced practitioners.

Facial fillers should only be done by experienced practitioners.

The facial fillers, which are injected into the face, enter the blood vessels and reach the retina of the eye.

Facial fillers are in massive demand amongst people as they are injections which plump up the wrinkles and the fine lines on your face. The charm of looking young forever has prompted a major section of people to go for these filters. However, before you opt for these injections, have you ever thought about the potential side effects of these fillers? One of these negative impacts is blindness. Yes, it is true.

How do facial fillers cause blindness? These facial fillers, which are injected into the face, enter the blood vessels and reach the retina of the eye. For those who don’t know, the retina is a layer of light-sensitive nerve tissue in the back of the eye that receives and processes images to send to the brain as electrical signals. Upon reaching the retina, it blocks the blood flow. This deprives the retina, vital parts of the eye of access to oxygen, causing permanent damage to it and eventually loss of vision.

However, a few careful techniques must be used to avoid the blindness caused by facial fillers. Firstly, they should be only used by experienced practitioners. If the person who has undergone the facial filler injections faces any signs of eye-related problems, they should immediately seek treatment. Patients seeking facial fillers should also ask all the necessary questions and clarify their doubts about it from the doctors. Also, other things that people should keep in mind are that they should not engage in this process without understanding the pros and cons of it. According to Healthline, these are some of the other side effects of facial fillers.

  • Infection
  • Leakage of the filler through the injection site
  • Nodules around the injection site, which may need to be surgically removed
  • Granulomas, a type of inflammatory reaction to the filler
  • Movement of the filler from one area to another
  • Injury to blood vessels
  • Tissue death, again due to blocked blood flow

People should instead opt for more natural methods of making their skin glowing instead of opting for such risky and artificial treatments.



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