November 14 commemorates World Diabetes Day. Diabetes is a chronic illness that causes long-term health complications which is why it is perceived as a silent killer. More than 425 million people around the globe are diabetic. The International Diabetes Federation stated that India recorded 72.9 million cases of diabetes. Ahead of the international day, let’s take a look at the early warning signs of diabetes and how to overpower it and stay healthy:
In type 2 diabetics, the urgency to urinate increases as the kidney tries to get rid of the excess amount of glucose from the blood.
It is said to be one of the early symptoms of diabetes. The reason being due to the sudden changes in blood sugar levels, the eye muscles are unable to adapt to the rapid changes and lead to blurry vision.
Read: World Diabetes Day 2021: Rise in Vision Loss Due to Diabetes Likely to Increase by 2025, Says Expert
Due to frequent urination, the body gets dehydrated.
Since cells don’t receive adequate glucose in type 2 diabetes, it leads to unexpected weight loss and makes you feel hungry. With urination also, water weight is lost.
Due to improper functioning of blood sugar levels, the body experiences exhaustion. Hyperglycemia or high blood sugar lead to fatigue.
For type 1 diabetes the symptoms being sudden are immediately identified. Look out for the signs and the sooner you recognise, the better it is.
Read: World Diabetes Day 2021: Fruits and Vegetables Diabetics Should Eat and Avoid
As a mode of prevention, watch your diet and follow a healthy lifestyle that must include 30 minutes of walk, daily. Doing light exercises, yoga, meditation; getting ample sleep, eating dinner by 7-8 pm are some ways of overpowering the illness.
Some of the other measures include:
- Having gudmar and shilajit
- Eating fresh, green vegetables (bitter gourd, bottle gourd, ridge gourd) and bitter herbs like gokshura, musta, fenugreek or coriander.
- Have triphala, amla powder or fruit
- Avoid carbonated drinks, packaged foods, chips, cookies, biscuits, and have homemade, local fruits instead.
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