Exposure to polluted air can cause dryness and irritation in the eyes.
Dr Mandeep Singh Basu, Director, Dr Basu Eye Hospital and CEO, Jagat Pharma shares ways to protect your eyes amid polluted weather
Since urbanization has occurred, many people have experienced red and irritated eyes due to the pollution-laden environment; therefore, protecting the eyes from the redness caused by pollution is essential for maintaining overall eye health. When seeking solutions, Ayurveda emerges as a reliable option, as it offers a holistic solution with its ancient wisdom. Ayurveda, an ancient natural healing system, deeply connects the body to nature and offers remedies that go beyond just relieving symptoms.
In the quest to shield the eyes from the harmful effects of pollution, Ayurveda offers valuable insights. Let’s learn how to protect and keep our eyes radiant in the midst of urban chaos using Ayurvedic wisdom.
- Ghee: Nectar for EyesAs per Ayurveda, ghee is revered as an elixir for the eyes. The application of a few drops of lukewarm ghee in the eyes before bedtime serves as a potent remedy for redness caused by pollution. Ghee, with its lubricating and nourishing properties, counteracts the heat generated by environmental pollutants, helps soothe the eyes, and promotes a sense of coolness.
- Triphala Eye WashTriphala, a classic Ayurvedic formulation comprising three potent fruits – Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki, is a powerhouse for eye health. A simple eye wash made by soaking Triphala powder in water overnight can be used to rinse the eyes in the morning. This helps in cleansing the eyes, reducing inflammation, and combating the effects of pollution.
- Netra TarpanaNetra Tarpana, an Ayurvedic ritual involving the gentle pouring of medicated ghee into a well created around the eyes, is a time-tested practice for eye rejuvenation. This ritual not only relieves redness but also strengthens the ocular muscles and enhances vision. Practicing Netra Tarpana regularly shields the eyes against the oxidative stress induced by pollution.
- Incorporating Amla into the DietAyurveda emphasizes the role of diet in maintaining overall well-being, and when it comes to eye health, Amla takes centre stage. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, Amla supports the eyes in combating the oxidative damage caused by pollutants. Including Amla in the diet, either as fresh fruit or in powder form, can contribute to eye resilience.
- TratakaTrataka, a yogic practice involving focused gazing, is an excellent way to enhance eye strength and reduce redness. By concentrating the gaze on a fixed point, the eye muscles are exercised, promoting relaxation and alleviating strain caused by environmental factors. This practice not only benefits the eyes but also calms the mind.In the busy pace of modern life, safeguarding your eyes from pollution-induced redness is not just about hygiene but a vital part of overall well-being. Ayurveda, with its holistic approach, offers a wealth of natural remedies to safeguard the eyes. By adopting lifestyle changes, incorporating a nutritious diet, and embracing the Ayurvedic practices mentioned above, individuals can shield their eyes against the adversities of pollution.