Despite the UK and the rest of the world living with COVID-19 for a few months now, there is still much which remains unknown when it comes to the novel coronavirus and symptoms to spot. Most are aware of the main symptoms of COVID-19 which include a fever, a new and persistent cough and shortness of breath. However, people are now being warned about four lesser-known COVID-19 symptoms which in some cases have been the only indication of an infection.
Abdominal pain
Some COVID-19 patients have complained of abdominal pain prior to developing other symptoms on the official list.
According to a study published by The American Journal of Gastroenterology, the virus could cause gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhoea.
Analysing data from 204 patients in China, the study found that 48.5 per cent of suffered from stomach issues.
This included vomiting, constipation or diarrhoea when they were first hospitalised.
READ MORE: Coronavirus cure: Does mouthwash help cure COVID-19? Dr Hilary explains
Brain fog
Fatigue, tiredness, brain fog, flatlining and an inability to arise after sleeping are all potential symptoms of a COVID-19 infection.
Some people have reported feeling a brain fog, also known as mental fatigue, as another symptom of coronavirus.
Although not an official symptom of COVID-19, with just less than half of infected patients reporting this feeling, it should not be ignored, and other potential symptoms need to be closely monitored.
Fatigue is one of the most common early warning signs of coronavirus, according to medical website Medical News Today.
Almost 70 percent of all COVID patients have some kind of fatigue throughout their infection, it said.
A person may be feeling particularly weak or lethargic, with an overall lack of energy.
In some cases, it may be the very first symptom of coronavirus with fatigue being reported in those suffering with long COVID.
As the UK continues to adapt to life during the COVID-19 pandemic its still extremely important to be vigilant of any potential symptoms.
The American Heart Association advises best methods to keep yourself and your household safe which include:
Make sure everyone living in your household can adhere to precautions recommended as part of home care or isolation. That includes covering coughs or sneezes, relentless handwashing, not touching your face and being sure to regularly wipe down surfaces with household cleaners.
Set up some basic rules for making sure the person being isolated can get food and other necessities with minimal risk.
Stay in touch with your health care provider.