Raksha Bandhan will be celebrated on August 22 this year. On this auspicious day, a sister ties a Rakhi (sacred thread) around her brother’s wrist and prays for his good health and long life. The brother promises to protect his sister from evil forces. This joyous festival holds great significance in the realm of Hinduism. According to the Hindu calendar, it is celebrated every year on Purnima day of Shravan month. According to astrologers, this year, the festival will be completely free from any “Bhadra” and “Eclipse” and sisters can tie Rakhi on their brothers’ wrists throughout the day.
It is a common belief that sisters should tie rakhi on their brother’s wrists as per his zodiac sign to get more auspicious results and blessings.
Know which Rakhi colour will be most suitable for your brother as per his zodiac sign.
Aries: The ruling planet of Aries is Mars. A red colour Rakhi will be suitable for people of this zodiac sign.
Taurus: Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus. For fruitful results on this Rakshabandhan, the sisters should tie blue Rakhi on the wrist of their brothers of this sign.
Gemini: Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini. Therefore, brothers of this sign should be tied green Rakhi on their wrists. It will be also helpful in improving the intelligence of both brother and sister.
Cancer: The ruling planet of Cancer is Moon. To get a blessing of good health, sisters should tie white-coloured Rakhi on the wrist of their brothers.
Leo: The ruling lord of Leo is Sun. As per astrological belief those have Leo zodiac sign should be offered a red or yellow colour Rakhi.
Virgo: Mercury is known as the ruling planet of Virgo. If a sister ties a dark green Rakhi to his brother’s wrist, then it will help the brother to complete all his unfinished tasks.
Libra: The ruling planet of Libra is Venus. Sisters are being advised to tie pink colour Rakhi on their brothers’ wrist for longevity.
Scorpio: Scorpio’s ruling planet is Mars. Sisters should tie Red or Maroon-coloured Rakhi on the wrist of brothers of this sign. This will help both of them to win over their enemies.
Sagittarius: The ruling planet of Sagittarius is Venus. Sisters should tie a yellow coloured Rakhi for their professional success.
Capricorn: Saturn is the ruling lord of Capricorn. Blue coloured Rakhi should be tied by sisters on their brother’s wrists for God’s blessings.
Aquarius: Saturn is the ruler of Aquarius. The Sister should tie a dark green coloured Rakhi on their brother’s wrist for good results.
Pisces: Venus is the ruling planet of Pisces. Sisters should tie Yellow Rakhi to get rid of all sorts of diseases.
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