It is important to maintain a healthy diet.
Medicines can certainly keep one’s cholesterol level in check, but prevention is always better than cure.
Rising cholesterol levels have become a raging health issue in youngsters and the elderly alike. Much of our lifestyle has become undisciplined due to fast-paced life and competition at work nowadays; and this has led to various health issues, including cholesterol. Medicines can certainly keep one’s cholesterol level in check, but prevention is always better than cure. It is thus important to maintain a healthy diet. Experts recommend having these seeds in the morning to keep cholesterol at bay. Ayurvedacharya Dr Jitendra Sharma of Balrampur Hospital, Lucknow recommends eating these seeds after soaking them in water.
Fenugreek Seeds: Fenugreek seeds can be consumed to control the rising cholesterol levels in the body. These seeds are effective in controlling your blood sugar. Soak one spoon of fenugreek seeds in water at night. Have these seeds on an empty stomach in the morning and drink fresh water. By doing this regularly, your bad cholesterol levels will be in check.
Sunflower Seeds: Soaked sunflower seeds are considered very effective in reducing bad cholesterol in the body. You can keep them soaked in water for at least 3 to 4 hours. If you want, you can soak these seeds overnight as well and eat them in the morning.
Chia seeds: Let us tell you that water-soluble fibre is found in abundance in Chia seeds. Soak one spoon of chia seeds in water overnight and consume them in the morning.
Raisins: Raisins may help reduce your risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels, according to research. Your LDL (bad) cholesterol is lowered by the fibre in raisins, which eases the load on your heart. Additionally, they are a good source of potassium.
Flaxseeds: Flaxseeds may help manage cholesterol levels when combined with regular exercise and a low-cholesterol diet. Additionally, flaxseed may aid in the control of diabetes and reduce the risk of heart disease. Flaxseeds are not recommended to be consumed during pregnancy.
(Disclaimer: The remedies mentioned here are not a cure for cholesterol. It is recommended to consult a doctor if the problem persists).