Telangana’s floral festival Bathukamma went global on Saturday after Dubai’s Burj Khalifa was lit up with colours depicting the festival and state Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao. Thanks to the effort of Nizamabad MLC Kalvakuntla Kavitha, the visual feast was witnessed by people across the globe. The show of lights was live across various platforms around the globe between 9:30 pm to 10:40 pm IST. Slogans, including ‘Jai Hind’, ‘Jai Telangana’, and ‘Jai KCR’, were featured during the show on world’s biggest screen.
The screening at Burj Khalifa featured the India’s map, Telangana’s map, CM Chandrashekar Rao with Telangana Jagruthi’s latest Bathukamma song ‘Allipoola Vennela’ playing in the background as the heritage of India and Telangana came alive. The song was composed by music maestro AR Rahman and directed by Gautham Vasudev Menon.
Along with Kavitha, the historical event was attended by TSRTC chairman Bajireddy Goverdhan Reddy, Rajya Sabha member K.R. Suresh Reddy, MLAs A. Jeevan Reddy, J. Surender, Shakeel Ahmed, and Dr Sanjay.