Arthritis: Five celebrities you didn’t know had the condition – and symptoms to spot


There are two types of arthritis- osteoarthritis and rheumatoid. Osteoarthritis usually develops in individuals over in their mid-late 40s and over and leads to pain and stiffness in joints where smooth cartilage once was. Rheumatoid arthritis is more serious and occurs when the body’s immune system targets affected joints leading to swelling.

Celebrities with arthritis

Due to how common arthritis is it is unsurprising to hear that many celebrities also suffer with the joint condition.

One of the most famous is golfing legend Tiger Woods.

During his turbulent yet mega successful career Tiger has won 82 PGA Tours, yet the development of rheumatoid arthritis in his knee and now back aged 41 has led to his retirement.


After having sustained a torn ACL in his knee in 2008 he regularly suffered with swelling, receiving injections to help deal with this, but the development of arthritis in his back years later meant playing the game he loves became increasingly difficult.

Another celeb which had to quit something they love due to arthritis pain was Robbie Williams.

Although best known for being the bad-boy of boy band Take That and then a successful solo singer, Robbie is also a keen footballer.

When at Soccer Aid in 2016, a charity football match the singer set up with friend Jonathan Wilkes he told the Evening Standard that due to arthritis in his back he “cannot put [his] foot through a ball.”

Similarly Soccer Aid team mate and friend Paddy McGuinness was diagnosed with arthritis in his shoulder at the age of 44.

Now 48, the Take Me Out presenter announced his diagnosis on Instagram back in 2018 alongside the hashtag knackered.

It is not just sportsmen that are affected by arthritis, with those in the acting world also battling joint pain.

One of those is Emmerdale’s no nonsense business woman Kim Tate, played by actress Claire King.

Speaking on This Morning she revealed that she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis aged just 28.

She said that the colder weather and low temperatures make the swelling much more painful which has meant she has had to scale back activities she loves including horse riding.

Sir Patrick Stewart, best known for his roles in the X-men series has suffered with osteoarthritis in both his hands since 2017.

The star who was knighted in 2010 actively promotes using marijuana-based treatment to show “significant” improvements.



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