Are You Borrowing Money Because of Ego?


Anger is also designated as temporary madness in psychology. There is a difference between leisure walk and getting astray. Ignoring values has made us waver. The dependency on others always weakens the foundation.

What is the connection between anger and false sense of pride? The root of both lies in the tangle. Our consciousness and mind is entangled. One who is in the debt has no idea that he is actually drowning. We assume ourselves as innocent and we never think where we are heading.

Recently, I have met at least 10 people who were about to end their life due to economic crisis. They were so much depressed that they couldn’t see any hope in life. Actually they were hopeful initially but over expectation brought them distress. When I talked to them I found that all of them were in debt. Their loss was not due to lack of business skills, but they spent too much on ‘maintaining the status’.

Most of them were men and they didn’t discuss their economic crises with their life partners because it might have hurt their ego. Now you may perhaps understand the connection of ego, anger and debt. Ego means unacceptance. We won’t accept that we are wrong.

Anger is ignited as soon as someone talks about our weakness. Now relate these with debt. Perhaps polite people may share their pain with family as they never fear to be seen ‘small’. But people with anger and ego are unable to open up in crisis.

So it is necessary to make our attitude polite and transparent. This will help us to untangle life. It doesn’t matter what others think of you. What matters is how you and your family get out of the crisis.

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