Doctors in America warn that more and more patients are complaining of what they think is just an ordinary earache, but it turns out that they have Covid. A top NFL league coach took to social media this weekend to describe his symptoms of a sore throat and earache after testing positive for the virus.
This new symptom is connected specifically to the delta and alpha variants due to the prominence of sore throats.
Most ear aches are caused by an ear infection which occurs when fluid collects behind the eardrum and becomes infected.
They are usually preceded by a cold, flu or upper respiratory tract infection and appear in any age group.
Dr Nicole Frommann, from TGH Urgent Care, Tampa, Florida, told WFLA News Channel 8: “Usually the ear ache is coming from the sore throat.
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“We usually see an earache but not as an isolated symptom, it is usually associated with other symptoms.”
This additional symptom and creeping numbers of people testing positive with Covid is still a cause for concern in both American and the UK.
“Covid patient after Covid patient we are overwhelmed with the volume of patients. I would say it is worse than last year.” Dr Nicole continued.
Yesterday the UK recorded a further 174 Covid deaths, which is the highest daily figure since March 12th.
Figures for last week, August 17th the UK recorded 170 deaths and over 26,000 cases meaning cases and deaths are on the rise.
In addition, a real-world study led by Professor Tim Spector found that protection for those who have been double jabbed is waning.
After one month, the protection of those who have received two doses of the Pfizer vaccination decreased from 88 percent to just 74 percent at five to six months after vaccination.
Professor Spector commented: “Vaccines still provide high levels of protection especially against the Delta variant so we still need as many people as possible to get fully vaccinated.
Therefore, if you develop an earache alongside a sore throat or cough, be sure to get a PCR test.
If this comes back positive individuals are still required to self-isolate for a full 10 days.
Only stop isolating until symptoms have disappeared.
Government guidelines for those who are contacted by NHS Track and Trace to self-isolate changed on Monday 16th August and do not apply to those who are now double jabbed or under 18.