Does wearing a hat cause hair loss?


Hair loss often sees people obsess over their potential for baldness. In their bid to keep a full head of hair, many men and women may do everything they can to keep their follicles untouched or add bizarre remedies to their washing routine. But they don’t have to, as there are only a few ways to develop hair loss.

Does wearing a hat cause hair loss?

Hair loss, otherwise known as androgenic alopecia, can affect both men and women.

Balding is most common in men, who experience male pattern baldness, but some women may experience female pattern baldness in their lifetime.

In both cases, genetics plays the most significant role, but some activities may also contribute.

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Pattern baldness is a gene that resides on the X chromosome and passes via the mother, who got one of her chromosomes from her father.

For women, it is recessive, and for men, dominant, meaning men who have an affected X chromosome will have an increased chance of baldness.

Men with one affected chromosome from their mother but not their father have a 66 percent chance of balding, but this increases to near certainty if they got one from their father too.

Women, on the other hand, must have two affected X chromosomes to develop the condition.



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