ICMR Releases New Dietary Guidelines For Women Not Engaging in Regular Exercise


Diet for women who do not workout.

Diet for women who do not workout.

In their latest guideline, they have shed light on a healthy diet for women who do not or are unable to do regular exercise.

A healthy diet and regular exercise are the recipe for a healthy life. Working out at least a few days a week and eating healthy food can save us from suffering from health-related issues. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) occasionally shares dietary guidelines. Their suggestions related to diet are followed across the country. In their latest guideline, they have shed light on a healthy diet for women who do not or are unable to do regular exercise. To help them maintain their optimal health, the ICMR has shared some insights. According to the guidelines

Balanced Diet

ICMR focused, most importantly, on the importance of having a balanced diet. Women who do not engage in regular workouts need to include a variety of nutrient-rich foods in their daily diet. According to the experts, women should have whole grain items such as brown rice, pulses, legumes, and foods that are generally rich in protein and good carbohydrates.

Nourishment During Important Phases

Women need much nutrition during their pregnancy and lactation. The new ICMR guideline proposes having additional nutrition during this physically tough period. The nutrients will help support the health of the mother and the baby too. The breastfeeding phase during the first six months is the most crucial for the newborn baby, who needs proper nutrition during this tender time.

Being Hydrated

Hydration plays one of the most important roles in maintaining good health. It flushes out the toxins from the body and helps regulate nutrients. Proper hydration by drinking two to three litres a day can help women remain immune to different health issues. Drinking normal water, coconut water, and fresh fruit juices can ensure hydration in the body.

Salt And Sugar Intake

Having too much salt and sugar increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes-related issues. Limiting salt and sugar intake can save one from suffering from these. A salt intake of more than 5 grams per day and a sugar intake of more than 10 per cent of the daily caloric consumption can cause health-related problems. The ICMR focuses immensely on salt and sugar intake.

Ways of Cooking

Ways of cooking food often determine the quality of the food. Preparing food in the wrong way can destroy the nutritional qualities of a dish. One should apply methods like boiling, steaming, and baking to preserve the nutritional benefits of food. Frying food items can reduce the benefits on the other side.



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