Theme, History, and Significance Amid COVID-19 Pandemic


WORLD TELECOMMUNICATION DAY 2022: Spending two long years of on and off COVID lockdowns and maintaining social distance, the whole world is surely feeling blessed to be around information and communication technologies. It is the only way to stay in touch with your loved ones living miles apart. And therefore, to highlight the critical role of these technologies, every year on May 17, World Telecommunication Day or World Telecommunication and Information Society Day is celebrated.

The day aims at exhibiting the importance of telecommunication and increase awareness of the vital role it plays in our lives. In addition, World Telecommunication day also aims to promote the development of technology in this field.

World Telecommunication Day 2022: Theme

Every year, the day is celebrated under a particular theme, and this year it is – Digital Technologies For Older Persons And Healthy Ageing. This year’s theme emphasizes the use of information technologies and their importance to stay healthy, connected, and independent on a physical, emotional, and financial level.

Last year, the day was celebrated under the theme ‘Accelerating Digital Transformation In Challenging Times.’

World Telecommunication Day: History and Significance

Previously, the day was celebrated to mark the anniversary of the founding of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on May 17, 1865. This was also an occasion on which the first International Telegraph Convention was signed in Paris.

For the first time, World Telecommunication Day was celebrated in 2005 when the World Summit on the Information Society called upon the United Nations General Assembly for declaring May 17 as World Information Society Day (WISD).

Later in 2006, it was decided by the ITU in a Plenipotentiary Conference in Turkey’s Antalya to combine both celebrations as World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD). Now, at present time, the day is celebrated to raise awareness about the possibilities of bridging the gap in society, and economies through the internet.

In addition, to end the digital divide in the whole world. The day also aims to make information and communication easily accessible to the people living in the remotest parts of the rural areas in the world.

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