Health professionals have now identified the 28 common symptoms of long COVID which include respiratory, generalised, neurological, gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal symptoms. The symptoms up until now remained elusive to doctors however for the first time, a conclusive list of long COVID symptoms have been published by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). What are they?
Gastrointestinal symptoms
Abdominal pain
Anorexia and reduced appetite (in older populations)
Musculoskeletal symptoms
Joint pain
Muscle pain
The Office for National Statistics published figures on Wednesday regarding long COVID and found that a fifth of people have symptoms for five weeks or more while around one in 10 are affected for 12 weeks or more.
It was also found that around 186,000 people were live with COVID symptoms which had persisted for between five and 12 weeks.
A recent study revealed long COVID symptoms has the potential to last up to a year.
When looking at the symptoms suffered with long COVID, 11.5 percent of participants were still experiencing fatigue, 11.4 percent had a persistent cough and 10.1 percent were suffering with a prolonged headache.