6 Food Gift Ideas For Someone on a Diet


It’s part of Indian tradition to bring along sweets and treats as gifts while visiting family and friends. Sweets, chocolates, confectionary, cookies, cakes, baked items – these are some of goodies we love to gift our near and dear ones, but with people increasingly becoming health conscious, and a majority of them on a diet, the goodies mentioned above are totally off the radar. So, what kind of food should you gift to someone who is trying to lose weight and staying off high sugar, high-calorie food, and would not really appreciate visiting them with mithai boxes full of ladoos and kaju katlis. So, here are a few awesome options to take along that would put a smile on their face!

Food Gift Ideas For Someone on a Diet

1. Dark Chocolate: There’s a lot of positive research on how dark chocolate can boost weight loss. Even though dark chocolate cannot be considered as a silver bullet to melt away extra pounds, various studies have established that dark chocolate with more than 70% cocoa can actually help shed pounds. The high antioxidant content in dark chocolate such as polyphenols, flavanols, and catechins, and theobromine stimulate fat breakdown and promote the growth of friendly bacteria in the gut. A small bite of dark chocolate can make you feel full and satiated and prevent binging on high-calorie junk food. A few nibbles of dark chocolate also help to curb appetite and reduce stress level as well.
2. Seasonal Fruit Basket: Seasonal vegetables and fruits pack a lot of nutrients because they have been freshly picked and not extensively processed. Experts say, nutrients such as vitamin C, antioxidants, and carotenes tend to deteriorate in fruits and veggies if they have been stored for a long time. So, ideally, pick fruits that are available in the season because they even taste much better than the imported and out-of-season ones. Since summer is approaching, pick watermelon, mangoes, figs, etc.
3. Nut and Seed Mix: You can get readymade packets of nutrient-rich nut and seed mix like walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, raisins, Brazil nuts, flaxseeds, cashewnuts, pistachios, watermelon seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds – most of which have a amount of protein, healthy fats, minerals, antioxidants, etc. These nut mixes can be added in smoothies, salads, porridge, overnight oats and other healthy dishes. The best thing is about nuts is that with the high protein, healthy fats, and fiber content – these nuts help to curb appetite as well.
4. Protein Bar: It’s the best gift to someone who is also working out at the gym because these bars also act as a good pre-workout or post-workout meal. With their high protein and sugar-free ingredients list, protein bars also make a good snacking option too while on a diet.
5. Millet Muesli: Millets like ragi, jowar, bajra are weight-loss friendly, gluten free, and can easily replace breakfast cereals that make losing weight a bit difficult.
6. Trail Mix Box: People are often confused about what kind of snack they can have during dieting without jeopardising their weight loss efforts. Life is not all about three square meals – you need snacks too! Trail mix has gained popularity as a good replacement for unhealthy, empty calorie snacks. Trail mix is made by putting together a combination of various nuts, seeds, dry fruits, and sometimes even popcorn. Rich in protein, healthy fats, fiber, essential nutrients – a well-put together trail mix (preferably homemade) can keep you full for longer, rich in protein, healthy fats, essential minerals – all of which help to burn fat and boost weight loss, set the fat-burning furnace on fire. You can add simple yet ingredients like and popcorn and makhana to make the trail mix interesting as well. Here’s a list of a few popular ingredients that go into making a trail mix – raw nuts, seeds, dry fruits, coconut flakes, roasted chickpeas, popcorn, dark chocolate chips, dry figs, banana chips, etc. Raw Nuts – Almonds, walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, cashews, roasted peanuts. Raw Seeds: Pumpkin, sunflower, flaxseed. Dry Fruits: Raisins, dates, figs, apricot. Miscellaneous ingredients like popcorn, makhana, banana chips, coconut flakes, dark chocolate chips. Also read: “Can Snacking on Trail Mix Boost Weight Loss?.”

Most importantly, if your loved one is desperately trying to lose weight, you can gift them the Rati Beauty diet subscription to shed extra kgs on the Speed Slim Challenge that is starting on the 20th February, 2023. See you there!

12 Ways Dark Chocolate can Help you Lose Weight
Can Snacking on Trail Mix Boost Weight Loss?



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