11 Tips on Making New Year Weight Loss Resolution a Success


It’s just a few days until we step into a brand new year and with every new year, comes a list of resolutions that we want to achieve, and not surprisingly, almost everyone has “weight loss” written in capital letters on top of that list. Since obesity is a real issue and a trigger for many life-threatening diseases, it makes complete sense that losing weight should actually be everyone’s top priority and New Year is a good time to kickstart the journey. By this time, we hope you have taken the pledge that New Year’s party would be the last time you would be binging on food and from the next day onwards, every single calorie would be counted for. But statistics from previous years point to the fact that a large percentage of people get off the weight loss wagon by the second or third week of January! People admit it’s extremely difficult to stick to their New Year resolution to lose weight and cannot actually figure out ways to achieve their goal. So, in this post, we list out 11 amazing tips on making New Year Weight Loss Resolution a success so that you would have space to make another resolution by next New Year. Read on:

New Year Weight Loss Resolution

1. Weight Loss Happens in the Kitchen, Not in the Gym: You are set for failure if you think weight loss will only take place by hitting the gym. Start from the kitchen, that’s the right place to start. No doubt, gym membership is a good New Year’s gift to yourself, but start with a good diet plan before that. And Rati Beauty Diet is a good weight loss program to start and shave off extra pounds by eating nourishing and nutrient-dense food, so eat the right kind of food to shed extra pounds – find all details on the Rati Beauty app.

2. Plan How Much Weight you Want To Lose Weight: Calculate on how much weight you want to lose – do not start with a vague plan. Whether it’s inches off your waist or kilograms on the weighing scale, decide on the number first and work towards it.

3. Stop Searching for Will Power: People often cite “lack of will power” as an excuse for their inability to shed extra weight, but let’s make it clear, “will power” is not a viable concept anymore because all that willpower can fizzle out over one bad meal. The concept of will power should be replaced with consistency, and so stop searching for will power to motor up your weight loss journey.

4. Delete Food-Ordering Apps: Ordering food through apps is quite literally addictive, so it would be a good idea, to delete all food-ordering apps, right before ringing the new year in. Because of the extreme convenience with which you can get food (read “junk food”) through such apps, ordering breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, can become an addiction and prevent you from losing any weight. So, delete those apps now.

5. Make a List of Things you Would Gain From Losing Weight: We should have mentioned this tip at the beginning of the article. From fitting into a dress that you have been eyeing for long, to increased stamina, better health in the future, feeling lighter, and gaining more confidence – make a list of things you would gain from losing extra weight – and go through this list every single day.

6. Clean Kitchen and Pantry: Organize and clean out your kitchen, pantry, and refrigerator of junk and processed food. They are the reason you had gained weight in the first place. (Also read: “20 Clever Ways to Train your Brain to Resist Junk Food.”)

7. Earmark One Hour x5 Days in a Week To Exercise: We did mention that weight loss happens in the kitchen, but working out helps burn extra calories and gets you into good shape, and actually accelerates the fat-burning process. Exercising also boosts mental health, so do earmark at least 5 days in a week for workout.

8. Turn To Non-Food Stress Busters: Don’t turn to comfort foods when you are stressed out, anxious, or plain bored. Most often comfort foods are the ones that derail your progress, so stay off them. Find other ways to de-stress – listening to music, going out on walks, dancing, yoga, reading, all are effective stress busters.

9. Reserve One Day in a Week To Meal Prep: Most of us indulge in junk and processed food when we are confused about what to eat. Meal prepping for the entire week (jotting down recipes from Rati Beauty diet and cutting and chopping raw ingredients into separate boxes) leaves little room to indulge in unhealthy food. It’s easy to take out boxes of pre-packed ingredients from the fridge and cook them when you are heading out to work or have no energy to cut and chop for dinner. You can use TV time to do meal prep for the entire week.

10. Don’t Save All Calories Till the End of the Day: It’s a completely bad idea to hoard calories and save them for dinner and late-night snacks. Not only would you be over-taxing the digestion process, a sluggish metabolism will make sure all the extra calories are getting converted to fat. Eat meals at regular times through the day, and nourish your body, not punish it by starving and then overeating later on.

11. Get Enough Sleep: Sleep deprivation not only slows down metabolism, it also throws essential fat-burning hormones out of whack and dips metabolism level. Less number of sleeping hours increases hunger hormone “ghrelin,’ and lowers satiety hormone “leptin” – as a result, you are  constantly hungry and wake up with a humungous appetite and unhealthy cravings the next morning. Sleep for at least 7 hours each night and that will help you stick to the whole weight loss plan better.

Finally, do remember, just one bad day of eating shouldn’t derail your resolution, consider every meal as a fresh start and do not kick yourself over not practicing restraint around food after you have overeaten. Make weight loss your first priority this year and check out Rati Beauty diet on how to lose weight like a boss!

20 Ways to Lose Weight with Food Addiction
20 Clever Ways to Train your Brain to Resist Junk Food



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